Strangulation in tongue mimics Wet Fowl Pox. (An important lesson learned)

Bread unfortunately is said to be quite filling without providing a lot of nutrition for chickens. Maybe if you give a multi-grain kind it will still provide fairly well-rounded nourishment? Or maybe you could dip it in some kind of nutritious mix of soupy consistency???
I'm astounded you have been able to nurse your hen through this & she is recovering so well! And it sounds like she is a sweet friend to have around.
Bread unfortunately is said to be quite filling without providing a lot of nutrition for chickens. Maybe if you give a multi-grain kind it will still provide fairly well-rounded nourishment? Or maybe you could dip it in some kind of nutritious mix of soupy consistency???
I'm astounded you have been able to nurse your hen through this & she is recovering so well! And it sounds like she is a sweet friend to have around. :love

Thank you! I didn't know that. I don't give her bread that often, but I'll make sure and dip it in a bit of yogurt or something when I do.
Here are some updated pictures of Sunni.

She looks so cute in her diapers.

Her coloring looks a little off here because I used flash on my camera.
Hi ChickenMomma,
Glad to hear the update on Sunni, I would love to see some pics of her in the diapers. That sounds too cute. Glad she is liking her new digs. Sounds like she is getting really attached to you.
Hope she continues to do well...

Sure! Sorry, I completely forgot about updates.

Sunni is doing really good. She still lives in the house, and loves it. In December, our aggressive dog attacked her one night while we were sitting around the table eating dinner. We were extremely lucky that the dog didnt crush her skull, because he bit her around the head.

She almost died that night from the shock, and we really thought she wasn't going to live through the night. But she did. She is such a little fighter. I had to go back to feeding her with a syringe for another 3 weeks after that, because she wouldn't eat on her own anymore. But she pulled through, and is back to her usual self, and thankfully did not have any lasting effects from the attack.

Sunni went on vacation with us last month. We snuck her into our hotel. :lol: She is really bonded with me, so we couldn't leave her at home with a pet sitter for three days. So, I snuck her into the hotel and we have lots of fun memories from that.

Sunni's first birthday is on May 6th, so I plan on doing something special for her. I've been through a lot with her in the last year, and have had many close calls with her, that I have learned from. I no longer let her out of her coop unless our dog is put away in his crate, and Sunni doesn't go outside or anything without me, just for her protection. She can be quite the little stinker, and she has the tendency to try and eat everything she can get her little beak around. Living with Sunni is a lot like living with a naughty toddler, but she keeps me busy, and for that I'm grateful.

I'll have to get some pictures posted of her this afternoon. :) She's very small for a Buff Orpington, because I'm pretty sure that what happened when she was young, stunted her growth. Since she spent three months of her life putting all of her energy into healing, instead of growing.

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