Stray Dogs Again!@#@!!!*


Pottery producing maniac
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Feb 1, 2010
Southern Virginia
So last year we went on vacation and got a phone call that there were dead chickens laying all over our barnyard. We concluded it had to have been dogs with that many killed during daylight. Later that year one of the chicken tractors got ripped into and most of the young chickens were killed. I heard a ruckus and went out. Across the road I glimpsed a pack of three dogs. I set out all the next night but they did not come back. last night I was going out with a tray of eggs in my hand to put in the incubator . I had not even got out the door when I see a strange Husky standing there wagging his tail. Two other dogs were there as well, one looked like the white one I saw after the tractor break in. I put my dog in the garage and got my gun. By the time I got my gun, the dogs were off down the road. I had heard of an old lady with a bunch of dogs down the road, so I went over there this morning. She seemed to be expecting me! She says the white one isn't her dog, she has just been feeding it for a year!!!??? She admits the sheperd is hers. I said, well why don't you tie them up? She states Well I have been trying to get rid of them but nobody wants them. So I tell her the long sad story and she offers to try and pay me eventually. Of course she is a skinny old lady and probably has no money. The killer is there is no animal control or dog pound to get rid of them, so unless I kill them they will always be out there! I am always putting two layers of wire on my pens now because of these dogs, welded wire outside, chicken wire inside with a three and a half inch gap to keep coons out. Plus the skirt buried around the perimeter
But my quail brooder was made out of a curved piece of Formica so I would have no square corners for the quail to pile up in. Now I see I Should have put welded wire around it as well but I thought ten steps from the back door with two guard dogs was safe. WRONG! Ugh, I searched the pen and found a lone quail egg left behind, so I will put it in the Bator with the others. :'( Naturally they just started laying a few weeks ago.
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very sorry
Do you live in a rural area? Since there is no pound or animal control available, then it seems to me like your town expects you to take matters into your own hands with dogs like this. Just my 2 cents. And, if that were the case, then I'd handle the stray and warn her to take care of hers or else. Little old lady or not, if she can't control her dog, then she shouldn't have one.
I found the worst part is digging the hole. I don't have a problem with shooting, just the digging. But if you have the land, you can always drag it way off and cover it in lime. Worked for me.
I was going to shoot but by then they were gone. I think I am going to have to wear my holster any time I go out at night. I WILL shoot these dogs!
or I may incinerate them. Lots of brush piles to burn around here. Yes, we are in a rural area and you hear guns every night. Lots of varmints to deal with. But that doesn't upset me as much as the dogs. DH will not let me fence the front yard . Now as well as hunting the lousy squirrels that ate all the apples off our trees, he can hunt miserable dogs as well. How awful:-(
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I carry my .380 all day everyday. And this little thing is amazingly accruate at about 20-25 feet. I would carry my .22 Ruger around here if I had a holster.
So sorry to hear. I couldn't imagine all the birds gone.
I came home 2 weeks ago to a dog still in our run. The dog got in but could't get out. Still cant figure how it happened. Killed 2 hens and the rest somehow made it into the hen house where the dog didn't venture. It was middle of the day, urban town, and the neighbor was watching or I would've choked the dog the death. My emotions were very high at that time. I paraded the dog around the neighborhood until I found the owner. Told him his dog wouldn't make it out of my yard next time. I called animal control and they say its a civil matter. "IF" it ever happens again I will do what it takes to protect my girls. I still cant get over the response I got from the owner when I told him to look at the blood still on the fur around its mouth. Shrugs shoulders and says "sorry".

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