Stressed, egg bound or sick chick


6 Years
Jul 5, 2017
:barnieRecently added six pullets to my adult laying flock of five. The young ones were kept separate for 3 months. Now one of my older hens is egg- bound a lot and seems stressed, so I separated her out. Her beak is pale, so I am not sure if she is sick. Any thoughts?
You could break up a tums and offer it to her in some water.
Recently added six pullets to my adult laying flock of five. The young ones were kept separate for 3 months. Now one of my older hens is egg- bound a lot and seems stressed, so I separated her out. Her beak is pale, so I am not sure if she is sick. Any thoughts?
Welcome to BYC....sorry you're having troubles.
Stress is a big possibility here.
Are the old and new living in the same space now and for how long?
How big is the coop and run they are all living in?
What and how exactly are you feeding?
How old are the 'older' hens?
Thanks for your reply. My older chickens are four years old and laying. We added the new flock after a quarantine period, and they were introduced gradually.The coop is 10' by 9',with a ladder perch, nesting boxes and plenty of room.I have two feeders and waterers and veggie snacks daily. I give them free range time twice a day, and that helps. They all seem okay except for one which I separated for now. She is eating and drinking, but she got eggbound a few times, so I was concerned that she was stressed. I think that she will be ready to re- join the flock in a week or so.
I am not a big believer in separating birds from the flock. I think there will be problems when you try and place her back. It may be that she is ready to go on.

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