Strictly pet chickens! Anyone??

I have been very lucky not to have lost any of my eight chicks!! However we had discussed if one of my buffs is a husband wants to do the deed and eat ...well I cant eat it!! I love chicken but the thought of eating my own pets is weird!! My husband harvested an Eight point buck this year needless to say he and our adult children have feasted on it many times, NO...ate deer as a child no problem..cant bring myself to do it now!!He bought me a bow for Christmas and I will try to land a deer this next year but I am not sure I will be able to shoot it! If I do my husband will process it and my children and friends can enjoy the meat!! I would never eat my girls!!
We have 3 coops with a total of about 40 chickens and we will never eat them. We eat and sell their eggs but when they stop laying they will live out their lives until they die. We (DH) have had to cull from severe illness or injury on occasion but I'll buy my chicken already cleaned and ready for the grill.

I don't have names for them and they're not the same as my 2 doggies, but I still look forward to going out each day and talking to them and checking how things are going.

I have great regard for farm people that raise their own food, but it's not something I could do.
All 29 of mine are pets. Some are extremely friendly, some couldn't care about getting loved on. I spend time with them every single day as far as petting, talking and sitting with them (weather permitting). Some are absolute pests for attention and I love it. The eggs are exactly that, an added benefit. I think chickens are fun, funny, smart, sweet and beautiful animals.
I plan on letting my new babies live out their lives whether or not they are still giving me eggs. But, I'm not upset that others manage their chickens differently.

I don't think of the new chicks as livestock, but as pets. With my pets, I care for them for the length of their lives, even if they are jerks. (Some of my cats are definitely jerks!)

I plan on adding new chicks to the flock each year to make up for losses, but if I end up with a bunch of elderly hens who don't lay, so be it. I'll still get the enjoyment of watching them be silly and endearing, even if they aren't paying their way anymore.
I keep my chickens as pets only. I have 70 chickens, 10 new baby chicks that were just hatched and hopefully 3 more babies on the way (hen is setting). I just enjoy watching them and interacting with them. I have many different breeds. I let them live out their happy life. I do not sell any and of course, I do not cull any for meat. I only collect and sell the eggs. I guess you can say that this is my hobby. I truly enjoy it.
I guess I'm one of the pet people. My chickens are kept in a large covered run during the day and let out in the backyard to free range for a couple of hours before sunset before going to roost.

I've spent over two thousand dollars over the years on vet care (most of which was to save three birds badly mauled by a stray dog). I realize most folks would not go to that extreme but many would do it for a family what's the difference?

When they reach the end of their egg laying days, I'll keep them until they die a natural death. Which may be a long time. My oldest girls are 5 and I read where the Guiness record for the oldest chicken is 16. Here is the link for 'Matilda"

Great story.

Barred rock, Silver laced Wyandotte, Black Sex Links, Buff Orphington, Rhode Island Reds.
All sixty five of mine are pets. I have no intention of eating them. I feel that with the new flock I received this March I may have too many roos so I will try to rehome them. I love animals and eating anything that I would raise is just not my cup of tea. I will allow them to live a long happy life with us spoiled just like the dogs and cats at my house.
Our chickens are for eggs and pets only. I could never eat them. I started out with 5 chicks, 4 of them were roos. I had to find 3 of them homes, because I couldn't even think about hurting them.

I have a rule, I can't eat someone I named.

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