Strictly pet chickens! Anyone??

My chickens are all pets to me. I couldn't kill them unless I had to for their sake or the sake of the flock. I'm not a vegetarian, in fact, chicken is my favorite meat...or turkey
That's just not what I got my girls for. I got them for the same reason as I got my cats and dogs, plus for the benefit of eggs because my kids LOVE eggs!

It's not really that economically feasible, either, unless you're doing it because of them being organic and w/o hormones. I mean, you buy a baby chick for $2-$3 and then have to spend the time and money raising them for the meat. You could just go to Wal-mart and get a $5 chicken already cooked up and everything. Yes, it's not the same and all but...unless you're gonna hatch your own and all that, it doesn't make much economic sense unless you're wanting above average meat.
My chickens are strictly pets with egg benefits. I'm sorry I just can't see myself saying "Oh, doesn't Juliet the Australorp just look so nice dressed up on the platter. I can't wait to taste her!" To me that would be like taking Chino the Lab in for processing.
Our chickens are part of our family...same as the dogs, cats and cockatiel. Won't be eating any of our pets. We enjoy the gifts they offer daily and watching and spending time with them and they will be allowed to live their lives out even when they no longer lay eggs for us. We love them and they trust us. I couldn't imagine killing something that runs to us each day to see what treats we have brought in the bucket and lets us pet and hold it. Just wouldn't be right. Glad to see others feeling the same way about their chickens too.
We have four Americaunas:Violet, Rose, Hyacinth and Daisy...One Buff orpington: Dora and one Silver laced crested polish: Mo.
Mine are pets too. My son keeps talking about eating them when they stop laying but I just give him the look.
Couldn't do it. Love my chickens, very relaxing to watch and great entertainment!
I raise mine as pets! I could never eat them but have often thought of raising meat chickens. I think i would have to NOT name the meat chicks and kinda ignore them a little. i play with my hens daily and would just get toooo attached!!
Mine are my food after they quit laying.

I have rabbits too and grew rather attached to a couple of them. It was hard to put them down, however once they were skinned I couldn't tell one from another. So come dinner time it wasn't an issue, they are all quite tasty.
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HI, we have eight pullets (buff orpingtons) and they are here for eggs and as pets. We all laugh at their antics, they are funny and sweet. I thought maybe we might end up with a roo and thought about having it for dinner but the truth is we could never do it. We've become attached to all of them.

Wish I could say otherwise, I think it's great to raise your own meat and veggies!
My chickens are pets.
But I still eat chicken, just not MY chickens.

One day I asked dad, "What are we going to do with the hens when they stop laying?"
He blinks. "Buy more hens?"
Okay? "But what about the hens that are no longer laying...? Do you think we could get the nerve to butcher them? I don't know if I could..."
And here my big bad hunter father who has an elk head on the wall, and the bullet that killed it under it says, "MY chickens are PETS not food."

HIS chickens?! I bought them! I raised them?! His chickens? What's going on here?

So yes, we are a pet chicken family.

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