String wrapped around tongue

I hope he gets better! Silly chickens try to eat everything. Perhaps a bit of bread with olive oil on it to soothe his throat will help?
Well, it's been a couple of days since the tongue-tied chicken event and he seems to be ok.
Thanks for all your thoughts and support!
I had the same thing happen to one of my birds. It was awful. It was wrapped around the tongue twice. I have no idea how she managed to do that. It looked like it was tied in a knot right behind her tongue.

I also wrapped her in a towel and my dad helped me hold her down. It took me two hours to get it cut off. It was wrapped around her tongue so tight, I knew the tongue would fall off. I was a nervous wreck and shaking like a leaf. It it very scary to have sharp scissors in their mouth and them jerking them head.

I knew I wasn't giving up though, she was a very expensive bird. She is perfectly fine, so I am sure your bird will be fine also.

I'm so glad that you got the string off and so glad someone stopped to help you.
Every time it rains here strange things wash up out of the dirt. Bullet casings, tools, pieces of wire, etc. . This summer one of our young muscovy hens was acting strange trying to drink. A closer look revealed she had a soda can pop top around her tongue and upper beak. the sharp part was curled up in her mouth.(this was the old kind that used to pull completely off the cans). It took both me and my DH to get that thing out of her mouth. I'm just glad we noticed it before it got too embedded. These 2 legged kids can get themselves into some messes!!
Sounds very familiar! It's so weird to feel like you don't know how to help but you are desperate to help them.
My little guy spent the next day sort of holding his beak part way open, I'm sure it was sore. Seems to be recovered now. Whew!
Early last summer my speckled sussex roo (about 4 mos old) got a piece of string wrapped tight around his tongue and by the time I found it he'd obviously been that way overnight. I actually ended up having to amputate the tip of his tongue with sharp scissors (it was clearly dead). He made a miraculous, nearly instant recovery and hasn't looked back since (though he does crow funny). They're remarkably resilient; I hope your baby does as well as mine.
Wow, that would have definately freaked me out. I would have had to make a vet visit for that. I faint at the sight of blood, so I'm not a good vet for the babies.
You are a great chicken mama!
Sounds very familiar! It's so weird to feel like you don't know how to help but you are desperate to help them.
My little guy spent the next day sort of holding his beak part way open, I'm sure it was sore. Seems to be recovered now. Whew!

Thank goodness, I think he will recover just fine. I gave mine some aspirin water in case she was in pain. I am sure after 2 hours of me messing with her tongue she was pretty sore, but after giving her aspirin she showed no signs of pain or any problems drinking or eating. I was a nervous wreck and got very sick to my stomach. I didn't think I would ever get the scissors under the string without cutting her tongue. It was a very fine piece of string off of a bath towel. So, needless to say, no one gets bath towels over their brooders anymore. Only pillow cases now. I don't ever want to go through again.

I'm glad your little guy is doing great. If he still keeps his mouth open you may want to give him some aspirin. 1 tablet per gallon of water.
Bad news here.

I caught my RIR Rooster just as he was about to finish swallowing a rather LONG piece of string (that I have NO idea how it got into their run though I try to be careful about these kinds of things).

I moved so quick that he started to fight me, and while a good length of the string came out during the initial grab, it got stuck, and between him fighting back and me trying to get the rest out before he swallowed it all, Heaven forbid, the string came out all of a sudden... but so did his tongue!

I am just SICK about this! I try SO hard to take such good care of our brood so I feel just AWFUL!

He sat down for a moment and was very still as I was in shock, digging his tongue out from the wad of string, and after a minute or two, he got up again like nothing happened.

I brought over his water dispenser to have him take a drink, and as he did, a little blood spilled out into the water. I coaxed him into having another drink, and there was no further blood spill.

I was able to look into his beak, and sure enough, only the very back portion of his tongue remains and at the front of his beak were some tidbits of food that had yet to make it into his throat (because he didn't have a tongue to pass them along).

I did feed him a small, green shoot which he ingested well enough, so I THINK he'll still be able to eat.

Can ANYONE here let me know what to expect from him in the near future?

He's four-months old and nearly full size, it seems.

Again, I feel just AWFUL, so ANY guidance would be helpful.

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