stupid neighbor


9 Years
May 21, 2010
st. Louis
9 days ago i lost two roosters to a thief and today i found one in a neighbors back yard. what should i do call the cops! confront him with a few of my "friends"
! or let this slide and see if i loose another one of them! i relay need help here i just don't know what to do.
Go over and tell him your rooster is missing...."must have gotten out". Tell him you think that he might be in his back yard and offer to go get him. I wouldn't confront him because the rooster might have gotten there on his own. He might not even know it is back there or he might have just thought it was a lost roo.
Good luck.
Did you talk to them??? Times must be tough....a stray roo comes into your yard so you eat it? I usually post signs in the neighborhood.
Glad you got your roo back, sorry to hear that the other one was taken. Did they take the birds out of your yard? Or did they " just take advantage" of the bird having found it's way into their yard ? If they took it and you have proof/witnesses, you can try to report it as theft/trespassing. If your roos wandered off they can claim they were stray/loose...... If the neighbor knew it was your roo and still killed him or if he stole him he is a lowlife in my opinion. At least give notice once that your birds are on his property..... Either way, I think it's either time for a fence/checking on fence if you have one or having a safe enclosed run for your chickens. If you have your birds in a secure area and think he may have trespassed to take them, maybe a gamecam posted for future and/or locked gates/coop/run would be an option for you.
Sorry this happened, I'd be livid.....Hope it works out somehow without further loss of chickens !!
Are the roos able to just walk out of your yard, or fly over the fence. if they flew out maybe you could clip thier wings. good luck with hungry niehbors.
the rooster were in a secure coop with a two locks when i came to my coop i saw it was completely totaled as if "someone" came by and just hit it a few times with a hammer. and i didn't get into there yard i walked by it (i'm a large guy i would have broken their fence ). also my little bro was the one posting most of this and he didn't get the full story hes to quick to action and i'm one to pounder. i'm like Prometheus and he's Epimethius or was it the other way hmmm. well i'm just glad to have my chicken back and not doing to hold any grudges over this ill post some pics of him when i fined my camera

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