Styrofoam Incubator Wanted


Queen Of Clueless
11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
I would like to find another styrofoam incubator so I can separate out duck and chicken eggs when incubating or switch around and sometimes use as a hatcher. A LG is fine. If I dont find one here I will go get another one at Tractor Supply.
I thought having a couple incubators was enough, I should have bought two of the LGs when I was in Rochester! I would like a Hovabator but seems like most people keep those and beggars cant be choosers,lol.

I could kick myself because I had a chance to buy an LG from another BYC member a few weeks ago but everything hit at once so I had to pass on it.
Oh, I am definitely keeping an eye on craigslist! LOL, worst thing is, I always am too late for the really good deals!
I have an LG we're selling, I have it listed at $75, but I'd go $70 plus shipping, I kept the boxes and this includes a turner. I only bought it this spring. PM me if you're interested.
Hi there...I have 2 LG's that I am going to part with. They both are forced air with turners. One is pretty beat up, but is functional. The styrofoam is cracking on the top between the viewing windows and is shored up with duct tape. The other is in very good condition. Let me know if you are interested and we can work out a good price. I can send you pics if you want.


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