styrofoam incubators and a declinging hatch rate

Seramas And More

In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2020
I have read some where that there is a thing where Styrofoam incubators have a declining hatch rate and I'm experiencing this to ,in my most recent hatch I had 18 eggs and only got 2 chicks (the breed was serama) these where ordered eggs but most of them where formed just died along the way but even with my own eggs they have been decling I was wondering if anybody else has had this problem and how to fix it
I have read some where that there is a thing where Styrofoam incubators have a declining hatch rate and I'm experiencing this to ,in my most recent hatch I had 18 eggs and only got 2 chicks (the breed was serama) these where ordered eggs but most of them where formed just died along the way but even with my own eggs they have been decling I was wondering if anybody else has had this problem and how to fix it
Welcome to BYC! I don't have any Styrofoam incubators so I'm not much help, sorry. Hopefully someone else will chime in. Where did you hear that? Did you have in a calibrated thermometer? Was the temp at 102 the whole time? How many times did you turn them? What was the humidity at? Just trying to eliminate other possibilities.
I cant remember where I read it I think it was somewhere on here it said that there my be bacteria living in the Styrofoam I had a thermometer and a hydrometer and at first I ran it at 102 but once I got a fan I ran it at 99.5 I turned them 3 times a day the humidity was around 40 to 50% then on lockdown it went to around 70% all of this was pretty consistent for my hatches except for when I got the fan but it didn't help ,my hatch rate was still going down now I'm trying to get a egg turner to see if that was the problem

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