Success: Chick walking on hocks

Aw! Do you have any better pics of the cutie? I'd love to try to identify breed.
Please share more details! I would love to know what you used them for.

when I hatch chicks I always give them sesame seeds. sometimes some chicks hatch with curly toes or they cannot walk properly (they are weak). sesame seeds helped with curly toes within 24 hours. I had a quail with splayed legs and as it was tiny I could not do anything to help. so I kept adding sesame seeds to their feed and 2 weeks later my little quail was ok. I also add sesame seeds when my pullets start laying or in winter I add sesame seeds and BOSS to keep them warm.
when I hatch chicks I always give them sesame seeds. sometimes some chicks hatch with curly toes or they cannot walk properly (they are weak). sesame seeds helped with curly toes within 24 hours. I had a quail with splayed legs and as it was tiny I could not do anything to help. so I kept adding sesame seeds to their feed and 2 weeks later my little quail was ok. I also add sesame seeds when my pullets start laying or in winter I add sesame seeds and BOSS to keep them warm.
Thank you! Will add to my chicken health notes for future reference!

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