Sudden change in roost positions?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
And I don't mean just moving over, they completely quit the usual roosting place tonight and moved. In my flock of (now) 41 birds, seven of my young pullets have always roosted on the front ledge of the top row of nesting buckets. Always the same seven, always in the same order, always in the same spot. Tonight, nada. They moved to one of the lower roosting bars away from the rack of nesting buckets. Hmmmm...... methinks I may have a snake in the coop??? I hope he gets one of those nine golf balls I've got in the buckets, and chokes to death. I may dismantle the area tomorrow to ferret him/her out!
@aart yes, there are other pullets one month older who roost with the main flock. The pullets who moved are 23-24 weeks old. @Shadrach no change in wind direction, anyway it's a camper trailer converted to a coop with ventilation far away from the roosting area. @3KillerBs yes, these pullets have just reached POL, or are very close. So THANK YOU all, it may be just an age thing! Good! I'll still look for a snake today to be sure (that area needs a deep cleaning and dusting anyway).

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