Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

There are a couple of labs n New York that can probably do necropsies. Many states do them for free or a small fee, so call them.

So, I went out to the coop today and found one of our black sex link hens dead under the roost in the coop. She was just over a year old and showed no signs of illness. I cut her open to see if I could determine what was going on and she had NO BREAST MUSCLE!
Her crop was very full and her abdomen was full of fluid. I think she may have had a digestive issue or something and wasn't getting any nutrients, so her body started to eat her muscle. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen! looks like that is a high altitude thing (we're in Colorado). She had plenty of good ventilation, so who knows. I am worming the rest to be sure it wasn't worms, but I checked the rest of the flock and they all seem fine. That is to say, they all have breast muscles..... Very odd indeed
I am so glad you have a GREAT sense of humor. This is my first set of chickens i have ever owned and ive been having the time of my life these last six weeks. as of yesterday and today i have lost 3 out of six and ive been really upset. but reading your comment boosted my spirits A LOT so i had to say thank you. i was a bit discouraged and thought i did something wrong. but i guess i feel a little better knowing its sudden death and not something i did.
I'm having the same problem with my baby chickies, they are about a month old and one died a day after it was acting a little off and now one is sorta doing the same thing...

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