Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

My 11 week old Silkie suddenly died. I had 2 Silkies. Zebie &Lyle. Lyle was mybeautiful white rooster. I had just checked on my Silkies 5 min before. I heard what I thought was a coughing/choaking sound. Then heard him again as I was going back to see what was going on. Lyle had flipped on one side with his wing spread. Knew something was wrong. Then he flipped on other side and he was gone. OMG! My heart and Zebies heart is so broke. My 2 Silkies are the first pefz I've had in over 20 years! Lyle was so sweet. He was always flapping his wings. He was so full of life one minute and gone the next.I watch after my Silkie s like a mother hen!!!. I read everythjng I can get my hands on. I ask questions. What did I do wrong for my baby white Silkie to die?? I got 2 more Silkies that are same age as Zebie (my partridge silkie). I think Zebie would have died of heart break if I had not gotten Miss Pumpkin (red Silkie) & Lyle Too (another white Silkie). Zebie & Lyle had no vaccinations. I fed them medicated feed until 9 weeks. I got them fro. A feed store. Paid about $2 for them. Miss pumpkin & Lyle T
This is end of my post. For some reason my phone wouldn't let me type anymore. .... Miss Pumpkin & Lyle have been taken care of in their first few weeks of life. All vaccinations and preventative care. I got them from a large farm fof $15. From what I've read since Lyle died chickens can die for no known reason. Surely not! Surely there is something I can do to prevent this from happening again!!???'
How awful, I'm so sorry. My parents had chickens for years and said sometimes one of their chickens would just suddenly flop over and die for no apparent reason. Step-dad thought it was a heart attack. Maybe chickens have weak hearts? The only way to know for sure is to open the little guy up and even then I wouldn't know what to look for.
Sorry for your loss :(
I had a young Frizzle rooster that got sick this past Friday. He had seemed fine the night before. I had only had him for 2 months. The breeder that I got him from has LOTS of chickens and it doesn't look all that clean there. She knows a lot about them and medicates them and all but I am pretty sure he must have been getting ill when I got him. When I found him in the coop Fri. morning, he was very quiet and had some diarrhea. I got him isolated and gave him Baytril that I had left from the vet from a respiratory sickness a while back. He seemed to perk up a bit but wouldn't eat at all. I fed him some with a syringe during the day, a couple of times. By evening I knew he wasn't going to make it. Breaks my heart. He was beautiful and I wish I had known sooner that he was sick.
My 1-2 month old bantam hen died suddenly when I recently saw her last night, healthy and happy sleeping on top of her box, now she's on her side. No injury or anything, same thing happened to her sister.
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Very sorry to hear about your loss. I know how you feel! Everything seems fine one minute and awful the next;O(( It's a mystery. Sure hope it doesn't happen often.
They are adorable! I have hens getting broody all the time and can't resist letting them hatch a few eggs. The deaths are the absolute worst part of having chickens
. I don't think it's anything that we are doing wrong. It just happens sometimes.

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