Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

This forum has made me feel so much better. Our beautiful, huge 2 year old Ameraucana was found dead, lying in the grass yesterday. Was fine at 1 p.m. when I went out for a break, had a double-yolk egg sometime after and was found dead at 6 p.m. No trauma, not sick, no clues. Was so worried for my one remaining, until I read these comments. Apparently, it happens sometimes. My worry and need to know "what happened" is less now. Thanks, all.
I've had 2 hens for a year now. 1 rhode island red and 1 black australorp. Yesterday the Australorp just died. No warning. No signs of foul play. Not a ruffled feather. They free range in the daytime when I'm home and I went out early evening and she was just lying in a sandy spot, dead. She'd layed an egg in the morning, did her usual clucking and running around the yard when I let her into the yard late in the morning...

[/B]i just found my hen laying on the ground she won't get up she was fine yesterday any ideas ?
I just found my hen laying on the ground she won't get up she's just laying there she was ok yesterday even found a egg on the ground next to her I know she's old but I don't understand what could be wrong no bleeding no wounds at all she's just laying there with her eyes closed ? Any ideas

I can't believe it but my poor, beautiful hen is gone. She was fine this morning. Even laid an egg. Just turned 1 year old 9 days ago. My DD came running into the house crying that Hope was dead. She found Hope in the run, still soft & warm. No injuries. Comb was strangely white.
RIP my sweet Hope.

The others are fine but a little lost w/o their friend.
Poor Hope , may have been a heart attack. When I started on BYC more than 5 years ago, I remember reading posts about chickens dropping dead. But then several people said they found their's on their back with feet up. They called it something - I'm guessing here ,like "flip", I'm wondering if any of these current deaths had chickens in that position.
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful hen, and what a shock for your daughter! it's heartbreaking whe you love them and enjoy them so much, then lose them. I'm glad you have such a good picture of her. :hugs
Today a very sad day in the Adkins family house, yesterday I posted on my reg Facebook a picture of Silver Star, I was thinking she was getting ready to lay and egg. I noticed yesterday she was laying around like she was trying to lay an egg but never did. She was in the coop and in the run laying at different times through out the day. Today I found Silver Star in our nesting box, she passed away through out the night. RIP Silver Star you will be deeply missed. I now have to tell Cheyenne and James jr. when they get home. Here is the picture of Sliver Star from Yesterday. I’m still lost what could of happened. All they other chickens are acting normal.What do I need to do...
Today a very sad day in the Adkins family house, yesterday I posted on my reg Facebook a picture of Silver Star, I was thinking she was getting ready to lay and egg. I noticed yesterday she was laying around like she was trying to lay an egg but never did. She was in the coop and in the run laying at different times through out the day. Today I found Silver Star in our nesting box, she passed away through out the night. RIP Silver Star you will be deeply missed. I now have to tell Cheyenne and James jr. when they get home. Here is the picture of Sliver Star from Yesterday. I’m still lost what could of happened. All they other chickens are acting normal.What do I need to do...
So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is hard.

Could she have been egg-bound?

One thing we do for our beloved pets is have a backyard funeral. I pick out a perennial plant or even fruit vine that reminds me of the pet. We plant it together in honor of that pet. After 18 years of this tradition, I have some great memories & beautiful gardens.
So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is hard.

Could she have been egg-bound?

One thing we do for our beloved pets is have a backyard funeral. I pick out a perennial plant or even fruit vine that reminds me of the pet. We plant it together in honor of that pet. After 18 years of this tradition, I have some great memories & beautiful gardens.

I’m thinking she was egg-bound but don’t know how to know for sure. We will be having a Funeral later tonight.
Hi guys. I'm new to the forum, about a week or two, but just wanted to share another instant death syndrome story.

So I have 13 chickens and one of them I thought might be a rooster because it was growing bigger than the others and it's comb was way more pronounced.

Anyway I was out back watching them just before dusk, and they were fine. All of them lined up against the side of the run their in, begging for a treat. About half an hour later I went back out to see if they had gone into their coup since it was getting dark so I could shut the door, and I noticed they were all making a distressed sounding call.

I looked and the big one was laying on his side dead as can be. He was still warm and I opened his mouth and looked down his throat with a flashlight and didn't see anything caught in his throat. No signs of any possible physical injuries or anything.

They are all about 3 months old and perfectly healthy.

I just don't know why it died.

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