Sudden chicken death

This same thing happened to me. We found one of our orpington hens dead on her side under our car. Eyes closed, feet stiff, abdomen slightly warm. Unfortunately we were unable to get a necropsy done, so the cause is still a mystery. We suspect a heart attack or something related to that. She was completely fine earlier that day, she was about 10 months and even hatched and raised 4 chicks! Unsure of what went wrong.
I realize that, just wondering if anyone had any similar situations and if maybe they found the cause is all
I recently had a chicken die suddenly with no known cause also. There is just no way to know without a necropsy when there are no injuries or symptoms. If I had a second one die that way shortly after, I would send the second one in for a necropsy. When it's just one, I don't feel the need to know. Sorry I can't be more help on this. Maybe someone else can give you some ideas. So sorry you lost her so young. :hugs
If a healthy chicken dies suddenly, I think of fractured liver due to fatty liver. I lost an orp this way and quit cooking macaroni for them and feeding them anything I could find in the fridge. They now only get fruit, veggies and chicken feed.
Ours only get some scratch, a flock block,their feed and occasional veggies and whatever they might find in their run like bugs etc.
Today at 9 am I went back to the cool to gather eggs. I found Walker my one barred rock hen who is about 6 months old dead on her side. No injury,not egg bound, abdomen was still warm but legs were stiff, eyes closed. :( She was one of my kids favorites not sure how I'll break the news to them and no idea what happened the other 23 hens are fine. No sign of disease either. There has been one hen laying monster sized eggs and there was one of those in the coop under another hen when I found her...can laying too big an egg kill a hen? What other causes can there be? Absolutely no sign of distress.
That happened to me a few weeks ago. I had a perfectly beautiful chicken die in three hours from the time I last saw her. The only way to find out is to send her in for a necropsy.It’s really a good thing to do if you have other chickens in case there is something infectious going on and just for peace of mind it is nice to know what happened. They test for everything, so you will know whether your chicken has parasites or disease and to possibly treat your others.
Ours only get some scratch, a flock block,their feed and occasional veggies and whatever they might find in their run like bugs etc.
Scratch, flock block and veggies in a confined flock, I would consider treats and would need to be limited. Any time you give anything "extra" it dilute the protein and/or nutritional content of their feed.
How much scratch do they get daily? Recommendations would be 1 tablespoon per bird daily - that's not much at all. I do understand very much - I like to give mine treats as well and can be heavy handed with them at times. I have to watch how much I give since mine are also confined to a run - they are not as active as birds that would be free ranging.
Scratch, flock block and veggies in a confined flock, I would consider treats and would need to be limited. Any time you give anything "extra" it dilute the protein and/or nutritional content of their feed.
How much scratch do they get daily? Recommendations would be 1 tablespoon per bird daily - that's not much at all. I do understand very much - I like to give mine treats as well and can be heavy handed with them at times. I have to watch how much I give since mine are also confined to a run - they are not as active as birds that would be free ranging.
Scratch they only get a very small handful every other day for what was 26 now 25 chickens

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