Sudden death ?s


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
As some of you may know, I had 4 chicks hatch out over the last few days, one being born defective that I had to euthanize. Well, the first hatchling who was strong, friendly and active as of last night died. I woke up this morning to him/her laying in the middle of the brooder. :( There was no sign of injury, illness, etc. so I have no idea what could have caused it.
They are fed medicated chick starter only, and water of course. They all seem to eat/drink fine. The brooder is a long metal cage with the light at one end.
Any ideas?? I am scared the rest are going to die now - no idea what is wrong.
did it have bloody poop? if it did it had cocci. once one chick has it all the others can have a possibility of getting it cause of all the stomping around on the poop. to stop or prevent that you can use sulmet drinking water solution 12.5%. I dont have that around my place tho. a more simple solution you can use is apple cider vinegar. just pour a tiny bit in your water thingie and give it to them. srry thats all i really know. good luck
I looked it over really good and found nothing wrong... no blood, no messy behind, nothing. I don't know what happened...
I will add a little acv to the water though, just in case. Thanks!

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