Sudden goat death

Michelle. LeVrier

6 Years
Oct 22, 2017
Our goat suddenly died last night for some reason that we don't know, we believe that she was pregnant as her udder was getting fuller but the was dead with blood and foam in her mouth. Does anyone have any ideas as to why she died?
Our goat suddenly died last night for some reason that we don't know, we believe that she was pregnant as her udder was getting fuller but the was dead with blood and foam in her mouth. Does anyone have any ideas as to why she died?
Blood and foam can indicate cardiac arrest. Can you ask a vet to look at her?
It's not easy to say based on your information, and without a necropsy. Are your goats vaccinated? I would suspect enterotoxemia/clostridium, but there are several other potential causes that you won't know unless you have a necropsy conducted. I am sorry for your loss.
If you have other goats, I would strongly advise calling a veterinarian to at least discuss this.
We can't do a necropsy because we had to go somewhere, but as far as we could tell, she didn't have any symptoms. When she did lay down she would make this sound as if the baby was putting pressure on her lungs. My dad believes she died from complications with pregnancy.
The most likely cause of sudden death in goats is enterotoxemia. A very fast moving pneumonia can do it too. If you are up to it you may be able to find this out yourself. Cut the goat open. If the intestines are purple or have purple striations, entero is the likely cause. If the lungs look and feel like leather it is pneumonia. Normal lungs are soft and kind of spongey. The most common cause of death from pregnancy is keptosis. The blood and foam from the mouth does not sound like ketosis (pregnancy toxemia) to me. Besides, ketosis does not kill overnight. You would see symptoms such as lethargy and refusing to eat her grain. I am sorry for your loss.

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