Sudden Goose Death


Nov 28, 2021
I had a 2 year old, healthy, active, friendly Pilgrim female die suddenly this evening; she was doing her thing all day with the flock, went into her pen, and passed sometime in the last 2 hours. Droppings look fine. Food isn't moldy. Same plants in the yard as always. Not egg bound. Elements weren't too crazy with the snow. Everyone else seems normal. Any thoughts?
I'm sorry for your loss. She could have internally developed a shell less egg that poisoned her. If she had a formed shelled egg inside her, she could have internally caused a rupture, if not obvious egg bound.

I've also known birds to drop dead from embolisms and heart attacks, but they were older, heavy-set geese.
Sorry for your loss.. Mine did the same thing. No symptoms.. just up and died. My muscovies DID show symptoms though, Symptoms of a pulmonary cold. I treated them with a feather dipped in creosote down the windpipe various times and only lost one. The geese showed NO symptoms and I lost the whole family(I strongly suspect they were extremely inbred) for what it's worth. Check all your other birds closely. If you see any sign whatsoever of cold symptoms treat them all to be safe.
I lost my favorite girl this year. Not my heathyest but I lost her to stress I did send her in for a nercropy. She missed last years breeding season due to toes that were broken by another goose. So she was a slow girl but recovered. It turned out to be the Gander I had her penned with was to protective and bossy with her. So she was being herded all day and night. It became apparent when she passed and he picked a new girl to do it with. He is now penned with a Gander who he tries to do the same thing to.

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