Suddenly overrun in eggs again!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Just cuz chickens like to be challenging....
My big girls decided to start laying like gangbusters again, at precisely the time that egg production has started in my juvenile coop!

I sent some eggs to work with DH yesterday, for an elderly gentleman in town.

Guess it's time to start selling again.

If chickens can find a way to upset the apple cart, they'll do it!
Mine are kicking in also after 3 months off. It is just 2 of them for now but more are getting close. Who says chickens do not lay in winter after second year.
Guess we blow that myth out.
Mine have just started back up too! I didn't think they would until Spring. I have 40 little pullets that are 21 weeks old. I thought they were going to wait til Spring too. What's up!!?
I've found that pullets coming into their first winter of laying lay well regardless. If they are going to slow down for winter, it usually doesn't happen until their second year. Just my experience.
Shoooooot! My big girls laid better their second winter than they did their first. Now going into their third winter, they still are doing good.
I have a neighbor, a commercial chicken farmer, that was shocked to find out my big girls are still laying at 2+ years old.

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