Suet? - how to cut it?


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
So I made my birds suet a few days to a week ago but it's been fairly warm (30s and 40s) so I didn't give it to them and left in the freezer.

Well today it is 25-30 and snowing and supposed to get down to the teens tonight so I figure maybe I'd give it to them.

Well now my problem is is that the dang thing is like a brick and I can't cut it and the knife, even a very sharp and very big one, just makes it all crumbly, it kinda just shaves pieces off instead of cutting through but maybe if I kept going it would.

My mom said I should just let it sit out a while but I wasn't surr if it would get too soft. and I thought nothing short of a saw or even the chain saw would cut it but that seems rather extreme.

I'm sure I am just being stupid here and there is surely SOMETHING I am missing!?

How do I cut this thing!?

Also I cleaned their coop today so for a brief while they had to endure the beginning of the snow, despite a tiny little roofed area i made, so of course once all was clear and they ate some more they all piled in the coop so is it even wise to draw them back out? If I DON'T give them the suet they'll be fine right?





The suet btw. Can't for the life of me cut it. You can see where I tried and what i mean by the flakes
I haven't tried that yet but maybe I would be able to! I don't think we have an electric knife or anything like that but maybe I could run it under really hot water?
Hot knife thing worked, though I did have to put it back under after every attempt, and I finally managed to hack a piece off! Lol thank you!


Well the good news is they LOVE it when I offered and devoured it. The bad news is when I put it down under the coop they didn't follow cause they refuse to come out and get their dainty little feet wet and cold in the snow LOL maybe the good taste of it and/or hunger or thirst will bribe them out eventually. I cleared the ramp amd a small patch under for them and opened the back door but still snowing so won't do much lol

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