Suggestions for getting a group together? (and other questions)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Bradenton, Florida
I'm within the city limits of Bradenton, Florida, working on getting "poultry" legalized, as that is the term used in the code and I want my duckies back. I have the information gathered and summerized from all over the web and I think I have a fairly strong case set up and ready to go. Although I feel I'm just re-phrasing everything that has already been stated a few million times. Maybe that is what has to be done in each area? Would it be better to send the Council members e-mails with links? Or do phone calls and letters work better? All of the above? I created a page on Facebook, Bradenton Poultry Pals, but I don't know anyone locally. I can put up signs around town, but the page doesn't show up when I try searching for it on google. Tried an ad on Craigslist with uninspiring success. Should I try sending a letter to the editor for the newspaper, with a "first meeting" at the library and see if anyone shows up? I wouldn't even know what to say, and I don't want to seem as insecure as I am, but I have no idea how to actually do any of this. Perhaps the short way of putting it would be: information gathering is one thing, it's the "doing" part that has me stuck.
You might also try doing a search on for people who are interested in chickens near your area. For Dalton, Georgia, we are close to both "The Atlanta Backyard Poultry Meetup Group" and "The North Georgia Pet Chicken Meetup Group". If there is not a group already, you may consider starting one. I hope this helps.

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