Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

I've been reusig zip-top bags until they get holes. They last a year or more. I have one that has something written on it that was for a weekend getaway with friends over a year ago! LOL

It's not a massive savings, but every bit adds up.
I purchase the end rolls of newspaper from our local small paper and it's only 50cent or so. I love the stuff. I use it for everything-making patterns, banners for the kids to draw on, lining shelves, wrapping gifts, packaging and shipping filler, cleaning windows and mirrors, fire starters and cleaning veggies or fish!

When you are stocking up- remember the cocoa, salt and pepper. Plant fruit trees NOW. If you know someone that has blueberry bushes ask if you can have their sprouts. Ours have several come up around each plant and I will pull them up and transplant them when I need them--when not I just throw them away. Same with grape vines--when you see someone pruning their grapes ask if you can have some--root your own.. Learn to become a seed saver, buy heirloom plants that come back true from seeds.

Make your garden list and buy your seeds early--there will probably be a LOT more people with the same plan and if you can afford it buy extras for next spring or for this fall.

Thanks for all the ideas..Dixie
I will definatly be planting fruit trees and blueberries this year along with my favored black berries. They are already selling seeds here at the local farm supply store. I did buy some. I plan on getting some more heirloom plants also.
Since I am now unwillingly unemployed, I am very careful with my shopping. I usually try to get 2 meals out of things. For instance I bought, Smoked Sausage, and Shrimp the other day, I was able to make the Saurkraut soup, that was posted here with part of the sausage and used the rest and half the shrimp for Gumbo. I will make Shrimp Alfredo with the rest. I also pack some of our dinner for Hubby's lunch the next day.

I also use a lot of rice, potatoes and beans as well.

I will be planting a garden with my buddy this year and canning a lot more.
ACK! My heart just fluttered when I read you throw away blueberry sprouts! If you have any this spring, are you going to sell them? *hint hint* Also, how do you root a grape vine? I had broken off our huge no telling how old Concord grape vine when it caught on the brake lever of the riding lawn mower as I was backing up to avoid another plant
and my others have not done well at all. Is there some trick to rooting the grapevine cuttings? Thx in advance for your response.
when rooting your grapevine try using pooting soil with the little styrofoam balls in it. it is critical the soil can breathe and drain water, another thing try coffee grounds after its been in the ground for 2 weeks to help give it a start if it has stunted

as far as tough times we always put up as much meat we can during hunting season, and cuttin as much fire wood as humanly possible
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sorry; I just couldn't help myself. It's either very late or very early depending on one's point of view. I'm assuming you mean potting soil?

ETA thanks for the advice; last time I tried rooting one in water and it did well for a week or two. It even had pretty green leaves coming out, and then one day they all withered and died, the SAME day. I was disappointed; up to that point it was going so well...
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