Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

We started keeping a record of every single shekel we spent. It not only showed us where our money was going and where we could cut back, but it also helps you psychologically to avoid unnecessary spending.
Has anyone suggested winning the lottery.

Again. Sorry for the derail.

now back to your regular programming.

BTW, I may already be a winner with PCH!
I've always hung out clothes on the line except for winter & rainy days then it goes on racks in laundry/boiler room. Installed a digital themostat/timer for the heat. heat comes on before we wake up & is timed to be off when we are not home or sleeping. Our grocery store pay 2cent per plastic bag when you reuse it.
Well, house is paid down to $25,000. I stock up on as much as we can right now, its tough though. And aint getting any better. Found out today Wal-mart and McDonalds are not hiring. (so much for plan "B").
These are all great. It reminded me of something I learned a long time ago that many people still seem surprised by: even in the hot humid south, you can delay turning on the AC by being smart with your windows - open at night, if necessary use box fans pointing out the windows to get rid of the hot air that's built up indoors, then in the morning close the windows so the daytime hot air doesn't come in. Most people think leaving the windows open all day is the only option but it actually heats up more. Unless your other conditions are perfect (as far as tree placement, mild summer one year, etc), there does come a time in the summer where this is probably not sufficient but even if you can delay your AC start date by a few weeks you'll save a bundle. Once you turn it on it's hard to turn off until fall comes... But if nobody's home during the day, turn the AC off (well, do this judiciously if you have pets etc but you can at least turn it up)

Also, in the summer take cool showers. Or if you need the hot shower (psychologically or whatever) at least try turning it towards lukewarm at the end. This cools your body back down enough that you can be more comfortable with the AC set a few degrees warmer.
And eat cool food in the summer - I like to make up batches of pasta salad, potato salad, things like that on the weekend and eat out of the fridge all week rather than cooking daily, because the cooking heats up the house. (Obviously use food safety sense and only make quantities you can eat before they go bad)
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Here is a teeny-tiny thing I did this morning, and I realize that cable TV falls into the "luxury" category, but trust me--there are reasons I need it.

I've been a DirecTV customer for 10 years, since back when I had to have a satellite dish to even get decent reception, or internet access. I read an article on that was talking about their introductory offers for NEW customers, so I basically just took their advice, and called DirecTV and griped about not being as valued as a "new" customer. They knocked $10/month off my bill and gave me free premium movie channels for 30 days.

You never know 'til you ask, right?

The next project is the phone bill. Our land line SUCKS, but we're afraid to disconnect it, because our home security system is tied into it. It's really terrible quality, and it costs a lot. Not sure what I'll do there. Suggestions welcome.
This is great! Yesterday my DH got a call from a buddy. We had eaten dinner with him the night before so I figured his call had to do with that. NO! He says, where do you think I am right now? Jail my DH joked?!
Nope, sitting in front of the lottery office!
Seriously! He had won almost $2000! Granted its not 2 million but who among us would turn down 2 grand right now!!??
We have no dryer, with two preschoolers and a baby. I agree, dont use coupons! No fast food, no eating out. We got internet last month for the first time in a long while. No cable, no phone service. We have prepaid verizon phones, because Hubby has to have a cell phone for work. (And everyone we know has verizon, so it is free to call them.) He's a truck driver.

We have lived off of nothing (literally) for an amazingly long time.
You can get by with a lot less then you think you can.

Hunt. Grow food. Don't buy ground beef, buy ground turkey. No chips, cookies, pop, bottled water, boxed food, etc.

Make your own everything-laundry detergent, mixes for cake and pancakes. Stay home whenever you can so you dont have to drive, consolidate trips so you can do everything at one time. Get rid off extra vehicles if you can, insurance adds up fast.

Buy garage sale stuff, use hand me downs, etc.

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