Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

One more thing I do is to recycle all I can. If you pay for garbage pick up, then recycling is free here. So I have my garbage picked up ONCE a month. It costs about $10.00 (I'm billed every other month) and I can recycle an unlimited amount. It's pretty sweet.

A few weeks ago I moved my "office" into a different room. This room gets sun all day long. I've found that I can turn my heat way down because the sun heats the room up nicely!

If I feel like I want to splurge, (because who doesn't every once in a while?) I shop at a discount store with cash. What I buy may not be absolutely necessary, but if I go in with only ten (or even five) dollars, what's the worst that can happen? Then my "shopping bug" is gone, and I'm not broke! Before I realized this tendency, I'd walk into the mall or some other place and... Things didn't end so well.

And from what I've read I'm really lucky. My water/sewer is flat rate.

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