Thanks to this great forum, I've read about hanging the cabbage, so this morning I hung up an ear of corn. They were afraid of it at first, but in a few minutes they loved it!! It was as amusing for me as it was for them!
I'm trying to resolve a feather plucking issue, and I've read lots of suggestions on here. I tried Pik No More spray last night, and that didn't work. I'm adding scrambled eggs, meat scraps and yogurt to their diet. I'm going today to feed store to get BOSS and vitamins. Trying to free range as much as possible, but they're still small enough to worry about hawks, and I don't want to leave them out with my dogs yet.
Do you have any other suggestions to help me keep them entertained and busy?

I'm trying to resolve a feather plucking issue, and I've read lots of suggestions on here. I tried Pik No More spray last night, and that didn't work. I'm adding scrambled eggs, meat scraps and yogurt to their diet. I'm going today to feed store to get BOSS and vitamins. Trying to free range as much as possible, but they're still small enough to worry about hawks, and I don't want to leave them out with my dogs yet.
Do you have any other suggestions to help me keep them entertained and busy?