Suggestions ~ Questions


10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
McDonough, Ga.
I love this forum. Tons and tons of valuable info.

As a noobie, I have a few questions/suggestions. Since it doesn't take long for today's posts to move to the 2nd page pretty quick ~ are Mods able to create sub-forums in the Incubating & Hatching forum. It would make searching for answers simpler and would help to minimize the repetitive questions. When using the search function *key words* it has a tendancy to pull up threads that really don't pertain to what you are looking for.

Questons/posts could fall under the sub-forums below:

Day 1 - 18
Day 19 - 21

Just a suggestion guys/gals ~ don't want to rock the boat...err egg.
If I am reading a post that I want to know the answers I save it on my favorites so I can go back to it. If I did not do this I would never find it. After a while I clean it out of my favorites. This takes up a lot of space so I made a new listing in the favorites.
GaNewChick I am due eggs next week an I was wanting to know how did you keep your humidity up in your LG I have a fan an egg tuner in mine. the temp is staying around 99 to 100 humidity with the c channel filled with water is 27 to 28

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