Sulmet questions: dosing my flock...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 30, 2010
So I went out to the coop this am and found a dead hen, was looking at the rest of them and they all look a bit droopy. Been a busy week and just may have noticed it for a day or two but it seems to have just started. I'm going to give them sulmet in their water dishes and was wondering for how many day I should try this, as I've never used it before. Thanks!
Are you treating for cocci? Are these chicks or adult hens? Adults don't usually don't have problems with cocci.

I can't help with the dosage, but I know it is on BYC.
They are about 4.5 mos old, and yes treating for cocci. Aftr inspecting the yard I found a few bloody/runny poos, so I started immediatly on sulmet and cleaned the coop. Any other suggestions?

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