Sulmtalers Thread

How do you tell the difference in sex of the chicks at a young age ? I just have 1 that came with a mixed lot of hatching eggs . Mine is about a two weeks old.
How do you tell the difference in sex of the chicks at a young age ? I just have 1 that came with a mixed lot of hatching eggs . Mine is about a two weeks old.

Males will get dark/black feathers in on wings and chest while females feathers stay evenly light all over their body... posting pics helps too... :)
Help!! I got this pair of Sulmtalers at auction and I love them!! I've been taken her eggs to a friend to incubate but they are all different can someone please tell me what I got??







I just remembered this post! The one double silver laced Barnevelder I have turned out to be a rooster! I have no need for him even though he is a lovely guy...

I have 8 Sulmtaler chicks on the way. I also raise Legbars, Black Copper Marans and Araucanas. I wanted to Sulmtalers because of their color and ability to sex them early. I would love advice from the experts in the group!

I ADORE these birds ! They are so easy going and smart...not too flighty, not too stupid...and to top it off, they are eye candy !!!
Lovely photos and lovely birds! The roos are to DIE for!

I wanted to ask you if your Sulmtalers are in their own pen or have you ever had the hens mixed in a flock with other breeds, and if so, what breeds do they mix with?

How much does a hen weigh? These look like heavy birds.

You say they are easy-going and smart -- it's been my finding that usually crested, bearded, muffed, tufted, vulture-hocked, feather-legged, or pea/walnut combed breeds seem gentler/nicer than normally feathered straight-comb breeds. Would you say Sulmtaler hens fit that non-combative gentle temperament toward other breeds or are they more assertive toward other breeds? I talked with someone who didn't like the aggressiveness of their Sulmtalers so I would appreciate hearing from several owners in order to get a full spectrum of owner input.

Have you kept record of their egg production?

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