Sultans! Male or Female?


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2015
The one on the left is a little older but wondering if anyone has an idea, male or female?
I don't see anything screaming male at this point, but they are really too young to sex with any certainly of accuracy. I would suggest re-posting their pics in about a month. By then their gender should be much more obvious.
Ok perfect. I have so many different kinds of chicks now and it's driving me crazy that I don't know which are males females! Are there certain breeds that it's easier to tell sooner?
Ok perfect. I have so many different kinds of chicks now and it's driving me crazy that I don't know which are males females! Are there certain breeds that it's easier to tell sooner?

The gender of some breeds can be identified by color at hatching. These are known as auto-sexed breeds. The same holds true of sex-linked hybrids. Then there are other breeds such as Silkies that can be notoriously difficult to sex when they are young. Sometimes even experienced chicken owners are not sure until they either crow or lay an egg. Most breeds fall somewhere between these two extremes.

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