Sumatra Thread!

So sorry about your hen, If you can confine her to a smaller area and try and wrap it close to her body so the bones don't keep moving it will probably heal so that it doesn't drag and hurt, We had a big Splashed laced red Wyandotte cockerel last fall that I was planning on using on our silver laces for our sex link wyandotte egg layers that ended up fracturing his right leg, it was a spiral fracture, you could feel the bone was broke and twisted, I was going to put him down, but then thought, we healed the duck with the broken leg, lets just try and see, so we just stuck the bone beside itsself and splinted it so it wouldn't move and stuck him in a small cage, after a couple weeks he began standing on it and after 8 weeks we took the splint off and kept him in a smaller area for the rest of the winter and this spring he was out there doing his job, got lots of chicks from him.  Poultry seem to heal fast and you don't need to have a perfect set, just keep the bones from moving so the body can heal its self.  Good Luck, I hope you will get chicks soon. 

That's amazing you healed his broken leg. I gained a barn cat that way and with crate confinement for a few days his bone set itself and he is good as new! Animals are much more resilient than people in many respects.
We are getting an egg every other day :)
Thinking back we noticed her wing feathers between her legs weeks ago. I can't feel any boney crunching when I move it and it doesn't seem her hurt her so I'm sure it set itself and will stay in this odd position. I just pray that no predator gets her. Had to make a low roost in the coop for her she can hop right on.
Here's some of my chicks!!

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