Sumatra Thread!

does anyone know of the white sumatras here in the states?
I have a few Splash hens. Mostly white if that is what you mean. Isn't today hatch day? I'm always nervous about shipped eggs and what the USPS put them through.
bad...ok terrible pic, but here is what is seemingly the only pic I have of one of my splash hens
only 5 more days till hatch day! i cant wait!
the white sumatras im talkin about are pictured in the FB page that FMP and i are following.... they aew pure white with black faces!!!
I would love to get some Standard size(LF) Black, Blue, Platinum,Dun, White or other Sumatra eggs from some quality show type birds if anyone has any, I need to get my incubator set up but hope to be going good by spring!!!! Not far away here in Oklahoma,USA!!! Let me know what you have and how much with shipping please! Thanks, Lynn
Where you are located, I would contact the University of Arkansas to get some of their free exhibition line Sumatra eggs. They have a program at Fayetteville where they take various breeds and constantly work on improving to SOP. Hatching eggs are available for free to anyone that wants them with priority given to kids for 4-H or FFA but anyone can get them. Black Sumatras are one of the breeds available. Here is a picture of my cockerel at about 5 to 6 mos of age. He subsequently beefed up a lot and developed a much deeper more muscular chest.

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This is a pic from a FB page for Satsumadori and Sumatras.......
don't know if it's the pic you are talking about.
Something I'm surprised no one has mentioned is the high tails. The tails should be horizontal on roosters. As young birds, you want them to have a slightly higher tail since the weight of the feathers should pull it down as the tail grows. They look decent though overall. Just like with all chickens, if you can find the birds that compliment their faults, you could make some stunning birds
seen that too Micheal, but based off the spur nubs I was assuming these were just cockerels still, that and in a round about way that's what I was getting at too with the local show thing being best for them.
does anyone know of the white sumatras here in the states?

veryvery few in the states, and most that I have seen are junk, cross breeds still mainly, though there are a few decent ones if you can get lucky enough to find someone who would sell any. I have plans to import some this spring from the UK just because of this. Will keep you posted on it
Where you are located, I would contact the University of Arkansas to get some of their free exhibition line Sumatra eggs. They have a program at Fayetteville where they take various breeds and constantly work on improving to SOP. Hatching eggs are available for free to anyone that wants them with priority given to kids for 4-H or FFA but anyone can get them. Black Sumatras are one of the breeds available. Here is a picture of my cockerel at about 5 to 6 mos of age. He subsequently beefed up a lot and developed a much deeper more muscular chest.
how did you find the website? or contact info? i looked way before i found this thread! couldnt find anything! i did find the texas A&M white leghorns tho!

this is the black faced white sumatra i was talkin aboot.....
please keep me posted if you manage to get them here from across the pond! i wonder if my buddy in germany can bring some over when they PCS back to the states?!?!? how much do you think it will run a civilian to import their own "pets" back to the states?

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