Sumatra Thread!


this is the black faced white sumatra i was talkin aboot.....
please keep me posted if you manage to get them here from across the pond! i wonder if my buddy in germany can bring some over when they PCS back to the states?!?!? how much do you think it will run a civilian to import their own "pets" back to the states?
Very nice bird.
Where you are located, I would contact the University of Arkansas to get some of their free exhibition line Sumatra eggs. They have a program at Fayetteville where they take various breeds and constantly work on improving to SOP. Hatching eggs are available for free to anyone that wants them with priority given to kids for 4-H or FFA but anyone can get them. Black Sumatras are one of the breeds available. Here is a picture of my cockerel at about 5 to 6 mos of age. He subsequently beefed up a lot and developed a much deeper more muscular chest.

Thank you, I think I may be getting some that came from there hatched by a friend, thank you! And Boggy Bottoms would you mind PMing me and tell me what it takes to import and what kind of fees and problems it consist of? Thanks, Lynn in Okla!

this is the black faced white sumatra i was talkin aboot.....
please keep me posted if you manage to get them here from across the pond! i wonder if my buddy in germany can bring some over when they PCS back to the states?!?!? how much do you think it will run a civilian to import their own "pets" back to the states?
thanks for the picture chicklettesarge, he's pretty
what thread was that pic on? or FB page?
it was in the sumatra and satsumadori page on the book of FACE! lol
there is a metric crap ton of eye candy on that page! but there is also a few douche bag spammers on there too! apperently some think us chicken folk dont exersize enuff! hey i can pass a pt test! i think.... its been a while OK!!! lol
it was in the sumatra and satsumadori page on the book of FACE! lol
there is a metric crap ton of eye candy on that page! but there is also a few douche bag spammers on there too! apperently some think us chicken folk dont exersize enuff! hey i can pass a pt test! i think.... its been a while OK!!! lol
lol I use to be able to chase down my free range chicken dinner, but I must admit that was a few years ago
lol I use to be able to chase down my free range chicken dinner, but I must admit that was a few years ago
i used to be able to run a 6.5min mile! but that was in iraq! lol after i blew out my knee over there i dont think i could run a 10 min mile! that was back in 07-09.... havent run a pt test in over 2years!!! kinda skrewd if i do!!! lol been eatin too many fatty cakes!!! lol

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