Sumatra Thread!

Its totally normal! They will lose them by the third set of feathers. If they don't by then.....then you worry.
Thank you. I know that many breeds have some color changes as they age.

I was wishing for a male but I just have the two and by the highly unscientific and unsubstantiated "flip" test, they both appear to be girls. I will have to wait and see.
Do they sometimes take a while to get their face feathers in, or is it just my girl? (Because of hatchery quality?) She's just over 7 weeks old today, and the other 6 chicks the same age (different breeds) have their face feathers in.

Two weeks ago:

One week ago:

I'd love better quality birds, but my budget only covers the $4 assorted bin chicks. Perhaps in a few years or so, when I've decided on specific breeds and have a better paying job...
Do they sometimes take a while to get their face feathers in, or is it just my girl? (Because of hatchery quality?) She's just over 7 weeks old today, and the other 6 chicks the same age (different breeds) have their face feathers in. Two weeks ago: One week ago: I'd love better quality birds, but my budget only covers the $4 assorted bin chicks. Perhaps in a few years or so, when I've decided on specific breeds and have a better paying job...
You are right that hatchery quality will play a role with feather quality as well, but none the less she will get all her feathers in. Just a waiting game :)
Well it's definitely spring. I spent a good half of the day trying to get horse hair out of my throat. That was of course after each horse had to thoroughly check every part of me to make sure I didn't have anything hidden that could have been eaten. Nothing like getting licked all over and coming out hairy and wet. I guess there was something on one of my pant legs that tasted good to my horse as she wouldn't stop licking that one area.

Hope everyone has a great day.
I'm home again from a nice road trip. I had the pleasure of meeting another BYCer
and was given a tour of their lovely place and birds. Thanks so very much, it was
a delight and I got to learn and see a different breed.

I enjoy road trips and do like to travel. I'm more the wander along the way type
as I will stop and look at things that interest me as I pass through if given a chance.
I took my DD and her 3, some of my grandbabies, on a road trip 2 years ago to
California to visit with my Mom, sister and brother. We wandered our way there
by a northern route and back by a southern route and stopped at sites-to-see
along the way........was quite a trip.
Since everyone else is off topic, I just realized that this thread is 426 pages long already. Seems like just yesterday that we were still under 100...
I think you are right. Maybe off topic sometimes can be a good thing.

I think the social chat helps with the thread as well as the topic posts.
If folks are comfortable with other members, they will come back to
the thread and at least read if not also post. With more folks posting
we will get lots of topic posts as well as social posts and maybe with
time folks will feel comfortable with sharing tips and pictures, thoughts
and ideas on Sumatras and related breeds. Just my thoughts.....I could
be wrong and I'm willing to listen.

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