Sumatra Thread!

Not chicken related, but I am probably in trouble when it comes to my son who is in elementary school. A few classes were doing a spanish program and during a free dance of the merengue, a young lady (classmate) grabbed him and pulled him on stage to dance with her. After their class presented the cumbia dance, in which he danced with two different young ladies, the first young lady came back to hold hands with him before they took their bow. So not looking forward to junior high or high school.

Good luck with your birds and have a great weekend everyone.

I am right there with you on that note. I have a 4 year old son and twin girls that just turned a year old. I too am not looking forward to those days. I guess just focus on making it through one day at a time, and enjoying every moment.

To all the mothers out there I wish you a happy mother's day weekend.
Quote: Moment by moment is about it
but I wouldn't give any of them up!

Happy Mother's Day to every mom (and dad who pulls double duty) also.
So reading up on Sumatra's most sites mention them being poor layers, average 1/week. Is it odd that my blue sumatra hen lays practically every day? She will skip a day maybe once a week
No, your bird isn't odd. These same sites say that lakenvelders are also poor layers which isn't the case with any of mine.
So reading up on Sumatra's most sites mention them being poor layers, average 1/week. Is it odd that my blue sumatra hen lays practically every day? She will skip a day maybe once a week

like ramirezframing has mentioned those sites are very inaccurate on alot of information. Your sumatra isn't odd at all. Even mine are laying everyday, and just like your hen, sometimes skip a day. I'm overwhelmed with eggs right now that friends and family are loving all the eggs to eat :))
No, your bird isn't odd. These same sites say that lakenvelders are also poor layers which isn't the case with any of mine.

like ramirezframing has mentioned those sites are very inaccurate on alot of information. Your sumatra isn't odd at all. Even mine are laying everyday, and just like your hen, sometimes skip a day. I'm overwhelmed with eggs right now that friends and family are loving all the eggs to eat
Thanks. I was wondering what was going on since she seemed to be laying way more than those sites suggested she should lol
Thanks. I was wondering what was going on since she seemed to be laying way more than those sites suggested she should lol

I suspect that because those sites often say sumatras lay an average of 100 eggs per year someone decided that since there are 100 weeks in a year it would make sense that one egg is laid per week.

Originally Posted by Browning2013

Thanks. I was wondering what was going on since she seemed to be laying way more than those sites suggested she should lol

If you figure there are 52 weeks in a year, take out 18 weeks
for winter months that they may not lay eggs leaves 34 weeks.
Average 34 weeks into 100 eggs for a year and you get just
about 3 eggs a week. Not all that bad for a breed that isn't known
for being a layer and I'm sure some folks have birds that lay
better than that.
Originally Posted by Browning2013

Thanks. I was wondering what was going on since she seemed to be laying way more than those sites suggested she should lol

If you figure there are 52 weeks in a year, take out 18 weeks
for winter months that they may not lay eggs leaves 34 weeks.
Average 34 weeks into 100 eggs for a year and you get just
about 3 eggs a week. Not all that bad for a breed that isn't known
for being a layer and I'm sure some folks have birds that lay
better than that.

Having only one Sumatra hen I can't give much advice on this one. But I do think they followed our hen around when "they" came up with that figure. She only lays in spring. Not one a week but one every other day on average. Maybe that comes to 50 or so per year. She is older. In a chickens first year I've been told they lay almost an egg every day then after that first year it slows to what their normal laying will be.

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