Sumatra Thread!

my. daughter just took our blue hen to the fair. got second. She was definitely the"prettiest" but judge said her tail was too high and her chest to dark. bummer. We have a hatch out of Bantam blacks we are working on picking the best roo. becauseof course out of 9, 8 are boys! i appreciate the previous discussion and info on the standard.
my. daughter just took our blue hen to the fair. got second. She was definitely the"prettiest" but judge said her tail was too high and her chest to dark. bummer. We have a hatch out of Bantam blacks we are working on picking the best roo. becauseof course out of 9, 8 are boys! i appreciate the previous discussion and info on the standard.

Congrats to you daughter, I hope she had fun. I think most people who have done chicks a few times understand a boy heavy load of chicks. I, myself, just went through a set of 4 chicks that a broody hen had hatched. You guessed it 3 cockerels and 1 pullet. Way the dice rolls
. Good luck with picking a good cockerel for your hen.
my. daughter just took our blue hen to the fair. got second. She was definitely the"prettiest" but judge said her tail was too high and her chest to dark. bummer. We have a hatch out of Bantam blacks we are working on picking the best roo. becauseof course out of 9, 8 are boys! i appreciate the previous discussion and info on the standard.
That is great your daughter did so well at the show and she had
fun. I love that the judges take time with the kids to talk to them
about their birds and help them. Hope you find lots of winners in
your chicks.
Here are photos of my Sumatras for the tail/back discussion. One photo is of my LF black hen that I feel has a little too low of a tail angle. One is of my blue bantam male that I feel has an excellent color and tail but it is a little high at the main sickles and the other photo is of my black bantam male that I feel has the best tail with a slight and even angle. I would love everyone else's opinions.


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The sumatras should have a pea comb (looks a little flat) while the orps should have a single comb (looks like little spikes), also sumatras should have yellow feet bottoms while orps should have pink feet bottoms. Hope this helps you some.
Thanks. You guys are all so helpful!

On a dig note. We went to the county fair today and saw 3 Sumatras. Both the girls had vertical tails. The roo set my 9 year old Sumatra lover off. See pic below

She couldn't get past the huge red comb to look at the rest of the bird
I had been trying to figure out the breed of my chickens since I got the 6 of them.  I posted some pics here on BYC and several people seemed to think they are Sumatras.  After looking at pictures online of Sumatras, and reading the breed characteristics, they certainly resemble Sumatras more than any other breed.  Pea comb, slate color legs, bottom of feet are yellow.  The black feathers have a beautiful green sheen in the light, and the tail feathers of the roos are appearing to be like Sumatras more and more each day.  They are really beautiful birds.  What do you Sumatra folks have to say? Are mine Sumatras?  They are 9.5 weeks old in the first 2 pics, 11 weeks old in pics 3-6. Thanks.






Thank you for the kind words. We enjoy judging and helping people learn.

@Kimnera As for the shows in NY I will look into them. Thanks for the dates. The Sussex show is October 18th in NJ an that is a great show with a nice amount of birds. If you want to come down I will have some Sumatras for sale

I would love to. But that's the other side of ny from me. It would be about a 10 hour trip 1 way

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