Sumatra Thread!

@Kae Pasa
Hello and welcome. Yes I believe I had stated they were carried horizontally. According to the 2010 APA book.

@dsfrango my roo looks just like that but in blue except mine carries his tail a bit below horizontal so crossed to phoenix to pick up the tail a bit and the 1 chick that survived, is a pullet. Looks almost 100% blue Sumatra except a bit on body type. Feathering is wonderful as well as tail carriage.
thanks. i am saving money to buy some decent sumatra. i have some but from a hatchery and was told that they are cornish with more thrn one spur after i put a pic up here. i have been reading to learn so i can know to pick out some good birds. i had thought the fb page was right since it got over 150 members and not much as been said about snything being worng. i thought sumatras had a hortzintal tail and someone said this one there but someone esle said its 15. can you tell me what is right?

The males are supoosed to have the horizontal tail while the females tail is supposed to be carried at a 15 degree angle
Hi friends ! i'm new here ... i breed Black Sumatras since many years and love them so much ! My lines tend to have extra long feathers , i llove this special feature . I'm working on gypsy faces , hard work !! I'm from Québec , Canada ... any Canadians here ?

Welcome Black Raja, good luck with your work on the gypsy faces.

ETA Interesting name, how did you come up with it?
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Not trying to be mean here, just posting a critique. His earlobes are larger than some of the good leghorn males I have seen out there. I have seen some bantams with saggy lobes like that but never a large fowl, he is largefowl, right?

No worries FMP, I'm not a softie to critiques. He is a standard, I don't even have a side shot pic of him. I'll get one
No..the Standard say "earlobes...very small".

Thanks Walt.

I do read the SOP but sometimes pictures to show comparisons or
differences are helpful for me. The illustration in the SOP is not always
easy to decipher what the SOP means as it is a drawing and for the real
thing shows better what we are discussing. I know the "perfect" bird is
what everyone tries for and few if any are out there. I'm trying so be
patient with me and my goofs.
Thanks Walt.

I do read the SOP but sometimes pictures to show comparisons or
differences are helpful for me. The illustration in the SOP is not always
easy to decipher what the SOP means as it is a drawing and for the real
thing shows better what we are discussing. I know the "perfect" bird is
what everyone tries for and few if any are out there. I'm trying so be
patient with me and my goofs.

Some people find the illustrations helpful others not so much. I think the combination of the illustration and the written description is the most helpful. We entertained the idea of using photo's of birds instead of illustrations (the ABA Standard is going to be that way) but it was felt since there are no perfect birds and chickens are so difficult to photograph, that we will stay with the illustrations.
I'm patient with everyone that doesn't want to argue.


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