Sumatra Thread!

raph........chicks are cute as can be and the coop is looking good.

Black Raja........welcome, always nice to meet more folks. Hope you enjoy
the discussions here.
Thanks, I put the chicks back with their mum yesterday. I'm pleased with the result, we got 6 chicks out of 8 eggs.

I was wondering what do you guys think of my young cockerel?

Ill see if I can get some better pictures of him.
I have a new black hen, and am trying to figure out the breed. I think she is a sumatra cross, but I am not sure with what. She has very dark skin. Her feet have a 5th toe, but she doesn't have other features of silkies. Her tail is shorter than other sumatra picks, and the bottoms of her feet are dark - not yellow. I am stumped by the 5 toes. When I research breeds online, she resembles sumatras and australorps - but with 5 toes...

Current British SUMATRA Standard

Origin: Asia
Classification: Light/Rare
Egg colour: White
The Sumatra, which comes from the island of Sumatra or the Malay Archipelago, was admitted to the American standard in 1883. With the help of Lewis Wright and Frederick R. Eaton the British standard was drawn up in 1906 under the name of Black Sumatra. A long, flowing tail, carried horizontally, and a pheasant-like carriage are distinguishing characteristics. Sumatras are prolific layers of white eggs and excellent sitters, especially being used to hatch waterfowl. In the late 1970s a strain of bantams was recreated.
General characteristics: male
Carriage: Straight and upright in front, pheasant-like, giving a proud and stately appearance.
Type: Body rather long, very firm and muscular, broad, full and rounded breast. Back of medium length, broad at shoulders, very slightly tapering to tail. Saddle hackle very long and flowing. Stern narrower than shoulders, but firm and compact. Strong, long and large wings, carried with fronts lightly raised, the feathers folded very closely together, not carried drooping or over the back. Long drooping tail with a large quantity of sickles and coverts, which should rise slightly above the stern and then fall streaming behind, nearly to the ground. Sickle and covert feathers not too broad.
Head: Skull small, fine, and somewhat rounded. Beak strong, of medium length, slightly curved. Eyes large and very bright, with a quick and fearless expression. Comb pea, low in front, fitting closely, the smaller the better. Face smooth and of fine texture. Ear-lobes as small as possible and fitting very closely.
Neck: Rather long, and covered with very long and flowing hackle. Legs and feet: Of strictly medium length, thick and strong. Thighs muscular, set well apart. Shanks straight and strong, set well apart, with smooth, even scales not flat or thin. (Note: There is no objection to two or more spurs on each leg, it being a peculiarity of the breed for this to occur.) Feet broad and flat. Toes four, long, straight, spread well apart, with strong nails, the back toe standing well backward and flat on the ground.
Plumage: Very full and flowing, but not too soft or fluffy.
Main tail feathers are wide and well spread, the top two feathers curved in a convex manner and carried nearly horizontally. Coverts are moderately long, wide and abundant. Otherwise the general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.
Male and female plumage: Very rich beetle-green (green-black) with as much sheen as possible.
Male plumage: Hackles, saddle, wing bow, back and tail very dark slate-blue. Remainder medium slate-blue, each feather to show lacing of darker shade as on the back.
Female plumage: Medium slate-blue, laced with darker shade throughout, except head and neck a dark slate-blue.
Male and female plumage: Pure white, free from any yellowness

Beak black. Eyes very dark brown or black (black preferred). Face, comb, ear-lobes and throat black or gypsy faced (black preferred). Legs and feet dark olive or black (black preferred).

Male 2.25 – 2.70kg (5 -6 lbs)
Female 1.80kg (4-5 lbs)

Scale of points
Type 20
Head (beak5, eyes5, other points10) 20
Colour 15
Feather, quantity of 15
Condition 15
Legs and feet 10
Neck 5

Serious defects: Single or rose comb. Any sign of dubbing. Red colour in comb, face or throat. Any sign of wattles. Other than four toes. Any deformity.

Here is a few more pictures of the cockerel and the hen and chicks .

I know his face is a bit red but the weather has not been great recently. What do you think of his type and head?
raph..........he looking good so far. I see fluff at the base of the tail and
hopefully he will lose that as he matures. In one picture his neck hackles
look like he has gold leakage but maybe that is just the light shining on
the feathers. I like the length of leg he has......not short and squatty.

Nice bird.....JMHO
Thanks, I put the chicks back with their mum yesterday. I'm pleased with the result, we got 6 chicks out of 8 eggs.

I was wondering what do you guys think of my young cockerel?

Ill see if I can get some better pictures of him.
Thanks Raph ! I'm working on a little bit different line of sumatras , i want to add a little bit length in legs , cause many sumatras tend to have short legs . I also breed for long tails feathers and darker faces ( if ican find some real dark face birds to cross with my lines ... a pea combed Cemani would be perfect !!!!) These special features may be not true to standard in evey point but i dream of a graceful line of sumatras ...something like the following pic ....
Quote: No , my friend Wendy did it ! here is another one from her, she have a beautiful talent , i may do a Sumatra version of this one someday
@Black Raja I too am breeding for the same traits as you are in your Sumatra line. I have some sumatra/aseel juvies with really dark faces, no wattles, and small pea combs and I have a Sumatra roo over a phoenix hen for the longer tails. From the sumatra/phoenic cross, I got birds that look almost pure Sumatra with multiple spur, small pea comb, small wattles and dark faces.
I have a new black hen, and am trying to figure out the breed. I think she is a sumatra cross, but I am not sure with what. She has very dark skin. Her feet have a 5th toe, but she doesn't have other features of silkies. Her tail is shorter than other sumatra picks, and the bottoms of her feet are dark - not yellow. I am stumped by the 5 toes. When I research breeds online, she resembles sumatras and australorps - but with 5 toes...

I am betting that she is about 1/4 Black Silkie. Is she laying yet? Egg color could give you a further clue.

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