Sumatra Thread!

But thanks though :).

Also Raven almost isn't covering the eggs, Atleast not like by Cochin. My Cochin was more fluffed out. Anyone got pic of a broody Sumatra?
Hi could anyone give me the name of a good Sumatra LF breeder .I am looking for blues and black
There are many in a lot of states. Try going to the Sumatra Association and
search for your area or attend some of the larger shows in your area and
you should be able to get some leads for breeders close to you. Good luck

Why is Raven so... Ugly? What do you feed your birds to make them look pretty? Raven looked like this since I got her last year. She hasn't started molting either...
is raven inbred? you can tell if she is too inbred by looking at the feathers too see if they are twisted
I have no idea. I'll look later. The person I got her from said she was from Meyer hatchery. Thank you
your welcome, im not sure about the hatchery but it has been my experience when the feathers get to looking like that it is a result of inbreeding. my lacy roundheads were the same way i had to add new blood to my line and they finally are starting to look better

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