Sumatra Thread!

happy new year
I would love to hatch Sumatras, but I don't know what I would do with the roosters, considering they need to have proper spacing. The last time I rehomed roosters, it didn't work out at all for me and the roosters. Are they okay meat birds if I could muster the courage to cull one?


Raven molted, she's so pretty now! :D Is there a possibility she's show quality? I think I may if asked before, don't remember.
Any rooster or hen can become a meal. Some give more meat than others. Sumatras are a smaller type bird, so I just put 2 or more in the pot, same as the silkies. If you do your own, don't forget to rest the meat for a few days and you might want to either crock pot them all day or pressure cook them first and then however you want to finish them off. Good luck.
Peep-Chicken.......any bird can be shown and most shows only cost
$3-5 per bird to enter. I would suggest you go to a few shows and
the birds and talk to the folks who are showing many different breeds
as well as those showing Sumatras. They may be a bit busy but most
will talk to you and you can learn what they do to get their birds ready
for showing. There is more to it than just giving the bird a bath and
putting them in a cage at a show. You may be pleasantly surprised on
how your bird does or doesn't do but keep in mind what one judge likes
another may not like. Get the SOP and read up on Sumatras and in the
front about all birds.... that will help you a great deal. Good luck

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