Sumatra Thread!

That is a real good place for bugs and such to hide out, just use something big enough for the foot to have a almost flat/slightly curved place for roosting.

I was thinking the same, but I thought I'd ask as I was reading a real old game keeping book and they talked about a perch/roost like that.

Are Sumatras sensitive to any feed ingredients like other long tails?

In the past I fed my very diverse flock of birds a combo of commercial feeds, oyster shell, cooked rice, wild bird seed mix, oats, alfalfa, veggies, fruits & creepy crawlies. I just read a bunch of some what confusing info on legumes for birds... peas & lentils seem safe as best I could make out from that... others needed to be cooked to neutralize the anti-nutrient compounds it seems. I think I need to re-read the info and do more research.
"Are Sumatras sensitive to any feed ingredients like other long tails?"

my experience has been that they do just fine with the mash I get from the mill, and scratch, great foragers too.
I don't know of them being sensitive to any feed, maybe someone else will know. I feed a layer pellet mixed with a small amount of scratch. I add in grass, alfalfa, and dandelions.
"Are Sumatras sensitive to any feed ingredients like other long tails?"

my experience has been that they do just fine with the mash I get from the mill, and scratch, great foragers too.
Mine have always done well with normal feed, just like any standard breeds.
Thank you all, I will than not worry to much about feed right away. I can do/try things at a more leasurely pace concerning feed if they are hardy to wheat & corn.

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