Sumatra Thread!

Hope everyone is having a great Holiday ! I am gonna have an order for some layers for this spring from a hatchery. Meyers I suppose. I really would like to do all Cubalaya ,with the Sumatra as my OCD project. I will be holding out on the Sumatra until I can find a trio. I may get into hatching with an incubator. Just wanna get back into poultry on a whole. Now that we have the space :)
Thank you for the replies. They helped me make a decision. Not a small feat .
it is always a hard choice to make! but patience is always rewarded! i now have a longer wait than expected due to VA issues..... i hope to be back on track within the year!
well i am almost divorced! my ex sold off all of my stock! didnt tell me who she sold it to! so i have no idea where they went!!! i am now living with my fiance and her parents until we get on our feet again! i am banned from getting any "farm animals"... looking for a house with land!!!
well i am almost divorced! my ex sold off all of my stock! didnt tell me who she sold it to! so i have no idea where they went!!! i am now living with my fiance and her parents until we get on our feet again! i am banned from getting any "farm animals"... looking for a house with land!!!

Not cool... not cool at all.

Best wishes on getting back on your feet & some land.
Well Happy New Year! (Belated)

I hope everyone has a great year... I hope in spring if your breeding you get so many fine chicks that you'll have a hard time choosing which to keep!

My birds seem to be doing well even though it has been colder than usual here, the brick plan seems to still be working great, I have raised the waterer up on stacked bricks to help keep the pin dry. It has rained so now all the grass is growing... in all the wrong places of course. I will have to start slogging around in the mud with power tools soon. My hubby will be starting another round of chemo soon. Today is my last day of "vacation" and finally my "not-sumatras" laid eggs and they both have the blue egg gene! It seems me being very picky about choosing them as chicks paid off. Most importantly when I am sad & worried all I have to do is go out and see the princesses doing their chicken things and it changes everything.


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