Sumatra Thread!

I'm in need of Sematras, the are too stunning not to have! I can hardly wait until spring, I'll be getting my d'anver pair (SQ! Why so expensive?) and anyway, around that time I'll have my new pens ready so I'll want the sumatras by then too. Who's got eggs on the Eastern part of the US?
sounds good Whittni, you need some, everybody does.
I assume on the d'anver the SQ means show quality not silver quail.
Well , if so, that's your answer, Show Quality cost money. Many breeder quality d'anver colors are $50- $100 pr. Not sure what you paid for the SQ pair, but if they really are SQ birds, $100 plus wouldnt be out of the ordinary, especially if they are a rarer color.
When I candled my Khaki Sumatra eggs before putting them into lockdown all 5 eggs were clear.


I haven't cracked them open yet but I'm concerned that they might not have even been fertile... the eggs had absolutely no development at all. No signs of early quitters, no blood rings, etc...
I always candle once a week. This way you know what's happening as they develop. You wont dare get me to crack open a 3 week old rotten egg in my hand, had to many explode on me over the years, plus by this point usually you wouldnt see a ring or anything anyway, it will just be a rotten mess.

Also on shipped eggs, I always candle when they get here. Look at the air cell end on the big end of the egg. Lots of times, it will wiggle and roll around as it has been loosened from shipping vibrations. This is fine, usually 75%of these will still make it. BUT if it's not there (you should see a line where the cell is) and you see little bubbles floating freely around in the egg, then it was totally ruptured and dead, these will NEVER hatch or develop. Makes people ofthen thing they werent fertile, when in fact it was just damage internally.

NOW, that being said, yes it is totally possible this early in the year that they just werent fertile at all, or they may have froze over night once too.
The first few weeks of eggs from my bantam sumatras werent fertile either, the few I'm getting now are though....

Hate it though, wish you better luck in the future
The breeding pens have been set up! In a couple weeks we will fire up the bator and start hatching then selling a few eggs. We have 2 pens of sumatras, one bantam and one largefowl. The LF pen is the pair of duns and a black hen with amazing tail. The bantams are 2 black roosters, 2 black hens, and 3 blue hens. I will try to upload some updated pics of the birds now that they're all together in the right pens
My blue hatch from fall turned out to be all cockerels...I was sure there were two pullets...but no.

This is my favorite so far...his tail will come down more as it extends. These are all 5 months old, hatched August 23rd. I'll probably keep two of these cockerels, although likely only hatch from one this fall. Not the best photos, but it was a cold day and they weren't really keen on posing for me.

These are the ones I thought were pullets. Not the best pictures, it was a cold day and they were bunched up a lot.


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