Sumatra Thread!

mcrooke: I'm lousy at sexing Sumatra until they have male feathering in, although I am going to try to start feather sexing at hatch to see how accurate that is.

I have been trying very hard to capture the difference between the dun and black Sumatra chicks on camera now that I have both of similar age and there's been questions about the chick coloration (there are exactly zero pictures of dun Sumatra chicks out there for research). While I can tell the difference visually, the camera just doesn't seem to show the colors well at all - but I think I succeeded (finally).

In the first photo of chicks in the hand...the black chick is out of shipped eggs from forum poster flyingmonkeypoop. The dun is by jeremy's platinum rooster and from my black hens. In the SECOND photo, the dun is out of FMP's shipped eggs and the black is out of my own black stock. A platinum hatched from Jeremy's rooster also, but those are easy to spot given they are so light. The dun's feathers are basically a dark brown instead of black as they grow in....something you can just barely see in the second picture, whereas dilutions like the dark blues (which I confused with possibly being dun last year) seem to have a slate cast to the feathers instead of brown.

I'll be breeding the duns back to the blacks until I get good type at which point I'll go for khaki, but getting the multiple spurs and feathering on the duns first is a priority. I'm not sure how much success you can have with double dilutes having a dark face, but I expect that the single dilutes should have fully dark faces before trying for the doubles.
your photo of chicks in hand. My chicks that look like the one on the right have always turned out to be blues. I have several right now that look like that. I'll see when they feather out, but my experience has been they turn into blues.
It looks just like the other dun, in the window, if you place them side by side..same tones on their fluff and also on their wing feathers coming in. And the one in the window can't be blue - no blue parents. Here are two blue chicks although these were taken last year...I actually thought the second chick was a splash it was so light, but it feathered out a darker blue than the first chick, who turned out the lightest blue:

These chicks as adults:

Top chick:

Bottom chick:

2 broody's were out and about today with their 2 day old chicks. The blue is my best broody simply named "Mama", The black is a 1st time broody born last spring to a broody. Mama has 4, only 2 got caught on camera.

SO EXCITED!!! Getting my Sumatra chicks this weekend!!!!
Are there any folks in Oklahoma that have sumatras? I want some blacks and blues. They are such a beautiful bird. I have been considering them since last year, decided to go ahead and get some. If anyone can help me out, please send me a pm. Thanks :)
I delivered 6 chicks to cloverleaf this weekend at the show, lets just hope she gets a good breeding group from them. There was one LF black sumatra hen in open, she got reserve of class, not sure who showed her. For youth, my sister took a blue hen that got passed over, and there was a black pair. It is nice that there are some at the shows, we just need to see more out there.
I delivered 6 chicks to cloverleaf this weekend at the show, lets just hope she gets a good breeding group from them. There was one LF black sumatra hen in open, she got reserve of class, not sure who showed her. For youth, my sister took a blue hen that got passed over, and there was a black pair. It is nice that there are some at the shows, we just need to see more out there.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!! THANK YOU so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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