Summer Quilt Block Swap-Due August 15th.

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Gotta let yall know- I butchered a chicken for the first time today. One of the roos came after my son again today. I had finally had enough of roo coming after kids and having big kids come crying after fending them off. Final plan was to eat extras anyhow but I kept putting it off. Oldest daughter cried but I gently explained how doing it at home was better than factory food, after a big hug and cup of coffee all kids pitched in for the butchering and clean up. It all went way better than I thought which was probably why I kept putting it off! Dh only 1 to refuse to eat something we've raised;-)
Congrats on the rooster dinner. I know its much better than store bought but I still haven't gotten up the nerve to do it myself. I hope to one day.

I will ship my blocks on Monday and try to post a pic of one before I do. Sorry it has taken so long to get it in gear.
Cknldy congrats on the home grown dinner, well I gotta ask was he tough? and how old was he? I am planning on doing that but don't think they have enough meat on them. I free range all day every day and fill in with feed and treats, I have a man at the farmers market that gives me a box of his old fruits and veggies I give him a dozen eggs. Glad kids took it so well, and least he was raised and butchered with love and humanely.

I have you back in the Oct. swap!!!!!

littlechicklet your fine blocks are not due till the 15th. Looking forward to seeing them.
Had never done it before and only vague memories of an Aunt wringing a neck and hanging a flapping chicken. All the reading and videos will never prepare a person for actually doing it! It would have helped if it had been planned and he hadn't ate w/in the 24 hours recommended- because everyone wanted to gelp and it was a first time it took too long to process him for human consumption, then after cooking (it may have just been us) he still smelled like wet feathers so we didn't eat him:-( The other animals here enjoyed a catered meal though! Not much meat for a 16 month old rhode island red roo. Blocks are done and should be mailed on Monday.
Cknldy- will keep an eye out for the blocks, wonderful. RIR are they a duel purpose bird? just wondering mine are not very meaty feeling, but then I figured it was because I free range. My turkeys are not up to butchering weight either. I've heard that you butcher them then put them in the freezer camp for a while so you disassociate the live from the dead. I was going to have home grown turkeys this year, mmmm Pecker and Christmas (the turkeys) are too funny to watch. We got lucky and ended up with a tom and a hen, Pecker the hen is like a dog she is really friendly and will follow you around the yard. I made the mistake of taking an apple out side to eat and ended up sharing. Told DH I needed 4
. I guess if we were used to growing our own meat it wouldn't bother us. I had too many roos we were supposed to butcher them too, but I ended up selling them for $10. each at the farmers market they went like hot cakes even though I didn't think they had a lot of meat on them. 2 I know went to be kings of their own flocks the other 5 not real sure. They were Buff and RIR mixes so pretty the birds, but they were all feathers. Oh in that bunch of roos I had some that would attack me, yeah I would grab them up and carry them around the yard, they learned they didn't want hugs so they left me alone.

Jamie1214 sent you a PM with my address will keep an eye out for your blocks.

It's almost Christmas time for us. my DH says I get Christmas everyday.
I'm very petite so if I get chickens meant to butcher I will get cornish x or something like that because even I couldn't hardly get my hand up there to clean it out! And surprise- xmas yesterday: we finally got a goat for milking! 1 year old not yet bred and just the right size for the children too. Her name is Lamancha cuz she's a lamancha/pygmy mix. Blocks didn't turn out quite like I expected but hey, flowers for vegetation growing, sand for beaches and watermelon.
You can make goat cheese!!!! I used to have an easy recipe that didn't use rennet but lemon juice instead to make it curdle. Cornish X are meat birds and in 4-6 or 6-8 weeks, can't remember but you have to butcher them, or they drop dead, they grow too fast and die of heart attacks. I wanted to get into that but I am still squeamish on the butchering part. I'm sure your blocks are very pretty. Has anyone ever seen a tomato grow like this? you can see where some more seedling are trying to emerge. I have since punctured the skin to help them emerge.
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