Summer Quilt block swap - We use similar colors, but each pick a different block

I'm so sorry to hear all this is going on in your life. Maybe she will move it back I know I'm busy. Some time in the future you will be thankfull you helped your grandmother. I wish mine were still here. I know it seems like a lot of work but your doing a good job for someone you care about. There are family's that don't do that and wish they would have. I'm praying for you.

Hello Everyone.

I have contacted the OP, but not heard back. While I have a moment I wanted to let you all know that I am most likely NOT going to be able to finish my blocks this month.
My Mother is working in Israel for 2 months and in that time I am in charge of my Grandmother's care.
She had a rough winter, but showed improvement over the last few months & was able to move back into her apartment at the assisted living facility.
She took a fall a few weeks ago & they thought she had suffered a minor stroke.
It seems it was just a warning shot & she has deteriorated rapidly over the last 2 weeks.
I am now in a position where I have to drive 2 & a half hours 3-4 days a week (at least) to deal with doctors visits, and now to start getting her apartment ready for a new tenant as the facility will not allow her to move back into the independent living side (with good reason), but is keeping her in the nursing wing. (Means moving her stuff to storage, or selling & dealing with all the relatives, the crap they want & how they expect this to work - none of them agree on anything & my Mom is in Israel on weird time...)
We are not sure she will be able to afford the nursing home side, we'd hoped for a few more years in the independent living side before she had to start paying so much more from her savings.
So, I am in a very trying position, along with work & kids, and the commute...
I have been forced to downsize my flock (just my new additions, it was too much to not be able to spend time with the babies and worry they were out of food & water while I am in the hospital...) - they just are not getting to live the lifestyle they were living, and I am not sure how long this will all go on.
I have to have her moved by July 1st, so I am under the gun. Not to mention that my Mema is sick, and she has been my rock & my hero for so long. She is barely able to communicate now.
She is the one who got me started quilting & every time I sit down to try to sew I just lose it. It should be an escape, but it just triggers all the sorrow I don't have time to process otherwise.
I have been falling into bed every evening, and I just hate to disappoint you ladies. But, I feel like it is better to do so NOW than after I miss the deadline & everything is ruined.
So, I am so, SO sorry ladies. It kills me to let anyone down.
I just looked and nheimberg hasn't been on here is 6 days. I wonder if something is wrong with her computer. I hope she's ok.

It would be great to wait until fall if it's alright with her. I'm changing my block, I have had to make 240 half squares triangles at 2/12 inches and after doing them I still needed to square them up. This has been the block from H**l. I looked at everyone's block and no one is doing the Cluster of Stars so I'm changing to that one. I can get it done in a couple of nights.

I hope that's ok with nheimberg.
I am having problems here too. In the OP she said let's work on for summer and get ready for fall, maybe we can do a later date toward the end of summer?

I will be more than happy to move the deadline till the end of summer. Since my hubby was unemployed fore some time, the bills are so bad, that I need to work 2 jobs right now. Then I had a very sick cat, that I lost today.........So time is running out for me so fast. I still have only the half done
I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I think then summer comes we have so much to do. I hope your DH finds a job soon I know they are hardto come by now a days. God bless you.
I will be more than happy to move the deadline till the end of summer. Since my hubby was unemployed fore some time, the bills are so bad, that I need to work 2 jobs right now. Then I had a very sick cat, that I lost today.........So time is running out for me so fast. I still have only the half done
Hey guys, Im still here. Pushing the date back is ok with me. This is for everyone, not just me. I dont want it to drag out forever, but if someone needs more time, then that is fine.
My internet has been spradic lately and my only alternative is my iphone. Well, its super hard to read the forum on that phone, not fun.
Ginbart, its fine to change your block. - I am so sorry you have had to go through all this. Obviously, your family comes first and just know we are here for you of you need us. I hope you can find peace soon and be able to use your sewing as good memories with your mom.

Ive been so crazy busy lately. My husband was job hunting and found work, finally with a company through a temp agency. The company decided to hire him on full time, but with a $10k pay cut. So, Ive been job hunting myself. No luck for me. Its really depressing. Weve had to file bankruptcy, which is something that has me super overwhelmed. Im just stressed out. :) I will over come this. Now that my husband has a fulltime job (even though its less pay) I have peace that his job isnt going to just end at any time like it could have with the contract position. I was actually able to sew last night and it felt good. Ive not sewn in weeks due to the stress I was under and I had lost my sewing mojo. I think it is coming back :)

Yall let me know when is good for you to mail in the blocks. Ive sent my address to a few people, but Ive not received any yet.

Does anyone want to do an extra set to take the place of M.Kitchen? Other wise I will just send back to you all a duplicate of one of your own when we get them all sent in.
Hey girl, it is not dragging out as much as dealing with summer as most do compared to me, I hibernate. I now have kids coming to visit the end of the month, no one has been down here yet short of granddaughters, and need to deal with that (2 sets and watching one while they go to Vegas). I will do whatever needs to be done, but I think especially as issues with Kitchen and Gin starting over, we could do some more time. I just have no ambition at the moment after losing my dog, I am in such a funk, but selling off some chickens tomorrow so hopefully this will help my tude :)
Oh, I received some blocks in the mail today! They are beautiful. I cant remember who did them. I was driving down the road while I was opening them. Yea, I know, not safe, but I couldnt wait to get them home. When I finally got home, I had to unload groceries and cook dinner. Ill post a pic of them soon.
We are going to Delano TN tomorrow to the mennonite farmers market. Sometimes they have animal sales too. I hope tomorrow is one of those days. I like to look at what all they have.
I promise I will do these. I need for my DH to get paid to get the fabric I want. He only bills once a month and so far the people he is training the horse for has not paid him.

He has a check coming, from his 1/2 of the horse he owns, but we don't know when that will be. Money is so tight and I'm getting sick of it. I can't find my battery charger for my camera so I can't put anything on E-Bay.
I have looked all over for it. You would think I would put it at the same place every time but no I don't.

I'm so tired I don't know why, I now take a nap in the middle of the day and I'm about ready to do that. I promise I will get these done.
seems like alot of rough times going on. I hope everything starts getting easier for all.

I have my set of blocks done. I'll volunteer to make an extra set, if we need it. If it's alright with everyone, I'd like to use different star patterns for each of them.
Good Evening all,

I am so sorry to hear all the trials we are all facing in some way. I have 5 blocks made, and got some extra fabric tonight to finish cutting up the last few I haven't yet. I'll have mine done and mailed in by the end of June. I need to work on class stuff for the coming year and outlining a learning strategy. On top of that, I HAVE to get small group teaching together per my principal, so that will be my focus in July. Fun summer break....

Pushing back the block date is fine with me. Family comes first, and honestly once the blocks come in it will be a while before I assemble the quilt! My goal is to have family time on the weekends this school year and not planning! So, I can work on this slowly over the fall season. You all are in my prayers for strength and blessings to help overcome your challenges. I am excited to see how everyone's block turns out. I'm attaching mine so you can see.


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