Summer Quilt block swap - We use similar colors, but each pick a different block

Love the chickens! Hmm, think I'll go shopping online for some nice duck or goose fabric too!
I hope things are getting better for everyone, I mailed mine out this week, they should have been received by now. I needed to get them done since exams for this semester are right around the corner and the new semester begins soon. I have alot going on here to, my son graduated from high school and will be leaving for college in August. He received a Air Force ROTC scholorship and was excepted into the engineering program at ECU. Thank goodness he is only an hour and a half away from home, empty nest here we come. Take care and prayers for everyone.

Well, I thought I was done but I'm about to start over. Somehow I printed my pattern a bit small, and my blocks aren't 12 x 12. Of course, I'm not too upset, except that it delays me. Now I have an excuse to use mine around the big BYC quilt we're all making!

So, back to work.
I had to make my blocks twice too, Marty. I figured out that the marking lines on one sewing machine are slightly different than the other, and that 1/8" will make a big difference if you add that to all your seams!
But I have such a quilting addiction, that I volunteered to make extra blocks for the swap. I figure by the end of all this, with "mistake" blocks, and such, I will have a huge, huge quilt. Not that it's a problem or anything

How is everyone? I picked out my new pattern as you all know and here is my block. It's not to fancy but it's a star. lol I hope it's ok and I'll try to get them out by the end of this week. I'm a little busy but I'll try..
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How is everyone? I picked out my new pattern as you all know and here is my block. It's not to fancy but it's a star. lol I hope it's ok and I'll try to get them out by the end of this week. I'm a little busy but I'll try..

Your block loos great, Gin.
I'm heartbroken @ the moment. After I lost my beloved Timmy (cat) to cancer, I lost most of my Silkies to 4 coons.....................needless to tell u, that now only 1 is on the loose..........but still, was waiting for the first eggs and now they are gone. AND I don't like my fabric choise anymore..........think to start over too or to cancel it. Sorry Ladies, can't really think @ the moment
Okay, got my blocks done! Will send them in when I get to town tomorrow. (If I don't forget, get lost, or am subject to a disaster....)

I was wondering if we could get a total of who is done, or has the blocks sent in?

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