Sunflower heads.


11 Years
May 20, 2008
DS grew this tremendous sunflower plant. Probably 20 heads on it. I've seen it mentioned that sunflower seeds, hull and and all, are OK for chickens. Really? I can't imagine, but if you all say its OK I'll let him put one in there every once in awhile for a treat.
My 22 week old Buff Orpingtons discovered my Mammoth Sunflowers meant for family consumtion in the last week or so. I can't keep them away now. They love em.

I agree with DouglasPeeps. They're very high in protein, I can't see how they could hurt.
Sure they can eat it. My guess is that if you have a sunflower with 20 heads and one base, it's a lemon queen or some other ornamental type. They don't have very meaty seeds, but if the chickens eat them, they eat them!
I grow them every year for my girls & to sell at the local farmers market.
I cut the heads off and hang them in the garage rafters to dry out. once dried, i shake the seeds off the heads into 5 gallon buckets for later.
they sell well at the farmers market if you drizzle melted suet onto them and let that harden. then folks can put them out in the winter for energy/feed.
I have a lot of volunteer sunflowers and throw the whole plant (or branch, if there is more than one head) in the run. They not only pick out the seeds but enjoy the leaves as well.
I've got a giant sunflower head in the stall with the chicks. They took a few days to figure out that they're edible and the fact that there's some left makes me think most still haven't, but they're definitely making progress!
I made the mistake of throwing some sunflower heads to my hens. They proceeded to jump up and try to snag the remaining heads whenever they were out. Mine are ornamental, but you wouldn't know it to watch my hens fight for those heads!!

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