Sunflower seed question :)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 29, 2014
Northern California
Hello all, my question is I am growing my own sunflowers and was wondering if it is safe to feed my chickens the unshelled seeds? Can I give them the whole head to pick at the seeds themselves? Kinda new to this chicken thing I have had 19 of them for almost a year and am still learning lol. Thank you all
I don't see why not, if they don't have insecticides on them. I used to, when I could get them to grow.
Hello all, my question is I am growing my own sunflowers and was wondering if it is safe to feed my chickens the unshelled seeds? Can I give them the whole head to pick at the seeds themselves? Kinda new to this chicken thing I have had 19 of them for almost a year and am still learning lol. Thank you all

Oh yeah we had a big bag of those big sunflower seeds and the chooks will shell them on there own!!
Thanks so much! no insecticides at all. Usually nothing grows for me lol. The wild birds have been devouring them so I just thought my chickies would like them :) but needed to know for sure, thank you
I take my sunflower heads and hang them from the roof of the run just high enough so the girls have to jump a little to get to them. Even with needing to jump, they still clean the heads up in no time.
Awesome, cause our sunflowers grew very well this year. The girls will be so happy with the treat, I am sure. Can't they eat petals and all, if they want?
As a young boy we grew a row or two of sunflowers in the garden every year and harvested the entire flower head to hang up and dry for part of my Grandmothers' chickens' winter ration. We never shelled the seeds or de-hulled them either, that job fell to the chickens to perform. I don't ever remember any of my Grannie's chickens croaking, that is unless they got too near Granny when she had a hatchet in her right hand an visions of a steaming pot of chicken and dumpling dancing in her head. Whole Sunflower seeds are safe to feed to your chickens.

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