Sunlight, Angles, and Colors


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 15, 2009
Schuylkill County, Pa

These are three different pictures I took of my peacock, Jade, this spring. I love how the light reflecting off his feathers at different angles changes his color. Almost makes it look like I took pictures of 3 different peacocks. This is one on the reasons I love peafowl. Their colors are fascinating.

[COLOR=000000]These are three different pictures I took of my peacock, Jade, this spring. I love how the light reflecting off his feathers at different angles changes his color. Almost makes it look like I took pictures of 3 different peacocks. This is one on the reasons I love peafowl. Their colors are fascinating. [/COLOR]
Great camera skills and very nice rooster,
. Gerald Barker
Thank you. The pictures are by chance. I let him out to free range a few times a week but have to keep an eye on him so he does not wonder to far or where he is not allowed to be. My two hens stay in the yard and don’t range far but he wants to roam especially after he loses his train. A lot of times I take my camera out with me for something to do while watching him. So I have a lot of pictures of him. While looking at them I noticed how his colors change on the pictures and thought it was interesting and put three of the pictures together. When his train reflects the bronze color, like in this picture, it almost glows.
The colors change like that because of special structures in the feathers. These structures are bubble like and act like tiny prisms which gives the iridescence to the feathers. Not all peas have these structures though which is why they lack the glitzy shine of the original IB coloration. Cameos, opals, bronzes, peaches, taupes, and charcoals are some of the colors that lack these structures.
I don’t know what all he is split to IB/BS/? . The person I got him from didn’t know and the two hens I have could be anything also. They came from a person who had all together. She had a white male, a B/S male, IB male and a Pied male with her hens and don’t know who they mated with. Here are some of the their chicks this year.


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