suntuf roofing material?

I have a suntuf roof on my run. 2/3 of it is covered with a reed fence this summer to keep the heat out. the other 1/3 is in constant shade so it doesn't need anything. This isn't the best picture of it, but it's all I have at the moment.

This is lovely. I never get tired of looking at members set-ups. I figure by the time I hit the old folks home I know how to set up a stealth coop in my room :)
Where we live, it gets really windy in the winter month. Try like 60MPH wind weeks at a time! And the run we've built use suntuf polycarbonate. Clear for the side and on the roof, half of it is covered with opaque white and one half in semi-transparent grey. We remove the sides in spring time so that the run doesn't overheat. and in the fall we put back the panels for the windy season and the down pour we get. For the side, we leave about 2" open at the bottom to help with air circulation. 60MPH wind does get in from the opening but its not that bad.

The run is in the open area with full blast of the sun in the summer time, so we've planted nasturtiums all around and other potted plants. Nasturtiums grow fast and big around here so we drape it over the top of the coop to help with cooling. We haven't had summer here yet. Today was around 62F for the high. Nasturtium is dormant so the run is still exposed. The run itself has a permanent 1/2" wire cloth on sides and on top to keep unwanted critters out.

+1 for suntuf. I used a sabersaw with 12pt/inch blade to cut. easy. The clear plastic hasn't yellowed yet nor has it gotten brittle.
So today we went to home depot with my boyfriend and his friend to pick up some framing stuff for my coop! exciting! lol

Anyhow...I found material that was similar to suntuf that it is polycarbonate...but it is flat it has the same durability as suntuf. Plexiglass a small piece for the skylight :) the best part is that I don't have waste...which i would have if i used suntuf material.

As we speak they putting the frame together :)
do these suntuf panels make alot of noise when it rains? im getting ready to put on suntuf white corugated panels for an outside patio..... i have an angled the roof (about 10-15 degrees) so that the water runs off onto one side...

Yes it is kind of loud but not as loud as metal roofing.Plus it is a lot cooler under it I can't believe the difference in temperature when I go in the run. And it blocks a lot of the uv.
For sitting outside in the rain could it get annoyingly loud. Is there a way to lessen the noise? Would we hear it from inside the house with the windows closed? does it make sense to Put plywood first then the suntuf panels. im begining to doubt the suntuf idea.
You might hear it but if you're going to put plywood down first then I would go with the metal roofing, it's actually $10 cheaper than the suntuf at Lowe's.
Ok thanks for your thoughts. As i read the manual. It says to use a screw on the rise part of the corrugation. My instinct is to drill on the dips instead.woulnt Fastening at the dips create a more of riggid fastening than on the rise. The plastic over time would deform and you would loose the pressure to keep it sealed. Any thoughts on this. I want to here from people who have tried either method

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